Yeahs that's what I thought and your signature has to have some stuff too right? Bow/arrows/broadhead anything else Mike4christ 2016 Bear Escape Easton FMJ 6mm NAP KILLZONE
You only have to have 2 different pictures. Both pictures have to have you the deer and your bow. The only other thing needed is date and time of the kill and a written break down of the score if it is a buck.
Yeah I think it's the same one I had at that feeder last year. I thought a hunter on the neighbor killed him but I never did see the deer that guy shot (rifle kill). I don't think he even has permission to hunt that property off my south line but the land owners are absentee and I don't have any of their contact info. The guy is a mental retard, literally. I went to school with his sister (among other things ) so I know him well. Maybe it's payback for his sister. She was a looker and my Jr prom date in HS Anywho, yeah I hope I get a shot at that 8, he's super nice. I also love big 8's, I just can't hardly pass one up if he's an old codger. I have a perfect one on the wall along with three other mainframe 8's.
KS archery opened today. Don't know when I 'll get to a stand, I'm tied up with several construction jobs going on at the moment. Maybe when I get on a ranch project I can squeeze in a few hunts.
Hey you doe doesn't count unless there are two pictures with the deer and the bow Mike4christ 2016 Bear Escape Easton FMJ 6mm NAP KILLZONE
That is correct guys, there is no exception to this rule. I highly doubt that your entry will be counted, which is extremely unfortunate. You don't have any other pictures? Or could you take some? For the future: The rules for entry are in a sticky made by fitz. In order to win this thing, it is imperative that we closely adhere to these requirements. Just the way it is I guess. Either way congrats on a nice doe. I can copy and paste the rules into this thread if you would like.
I see that. I have PM'd Fitz to plead my case. If not, I will shoot another one. Deer everywhere here in NJ and I need my meat for the year.
Not my first rodeo, should have known better. Just rushing cause it was 80 degrees and we had 3 deer to cut up.
Congrats on the doe. *&^% happens at least it wasn't your buck tag. There is not many things I would guarantee 100% but Fitz letting a pic go without a bow or 2 pics...that I can guarantee he won't
I know it is for fun but does anyone see almost 186" on that buck in the scoring thread??? I would LOVE to have that tape measure