There's some great "archery only" state and federal land to hunt around the town of Spearfish, SD. It's about a six-hour drive from my house in Colorado. I have taken several nice bucks here over the years. The deer in this region genetically rarely have more than four points on a side...but there is the rare exception.
Them's some good public land bucks Will. Our season starts here on the 1st of Oct. Going to go down to SW Mich to hunt with the youngest son Zeb (rutt nutt) Much bigger Deer down that way. Around the 1st of Nov heading down to WV to hunt a bow only county for about 12 days with an old friend, have not hunted together for years. Hope I can handle them hills!
Made it out to the lease for a little camera work and lane trimming. Probably going to head out again today to work on a couple more stands. OH opens up on Sept 30. I’m on call so I won’t get out until October. Nothing interesting on camera yet anyway. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I went up to the property yesterday to check cameras and over seed my rye. Couple of smaller bucks starting to show up. The woods is starting to open up a little but still can’t see that far, so probably won’t hunt for another week or so and plus the wind direction isn’t good right now anyway.
Testing some broadheads from VPA Broadheads. Local broadhead manufacturer. I really like to test and promote their products to see if they work well for me. Both are 100gr heads, top is a 2-Blade vented, bottom is solid 3-blade. I do not like the 2-blade, it requires some fixes to make it better, it whistles like a train while flying and is extremely dull. The 3-Blade flies phenomenally and is very tough and easy to sharpen.
Have some smaller Bucks fighting on camera in VT. Have a nice 9pt in NJ that I'd love to shoot if he walks by. Still not sure if I'll be in NJ or VT this weekend.
Looking like it's going to be in the 80s here next Sunday, slowly getting colder into the 60s by the end of the week, lows in the 40s. Looking forward to it!
If absolutely no one else wants to be captain I will do it. Let me know what everyone thinks. Someone else can definitely have it if they want it. Not alot to do. Just make sure everyone gets and posts the proper pics on the scorecard.
Break a leg, Sliver! I just got word my hunting trip to Tennessee has been postponed. I'll need to find another state to hunt for the four days over Thanksgiving weekend.
I spent the whole day Saturday at about 10,400 feet above sea level. The deer carcass I left as a bear attractant last weekend had been devoured, but I could tell a bear had not been on it. On Saturday evening I actually got to see what I suspected was filling its tummy. I had a pine martin show up first; I was sitting off wind about 30 yards away from the site. The pine martin started barking and looking up wind of my position. A long-legged male coyote came in from my left at 20 yards. He didn't make it out. Twenty minutes later a vixen Fox squatted eight yards in front of me. She was lucky Colorado's fox season opens next Sunday. I totally had her! Morning temps were 28 degrees and it made it up to 68 degrees by midday. Temps like that make tent camp fun!
Back from vacation!!! Deer season opens Saturday!! I’m polite so kids first and my lady first then I’ll be hunting for me Sent from my iPhone using Forums