Buck down, not the buck I thought it was. Oh well food on the table. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So quick break down on the hunt. I was set up on a cut bean field. I had a doe and two BB out in the field earlier but didn’t have any shots. Just before sun down I heard some grunting to my left and some sticks breaking. I buck was working the inside edge of the field. It passed maybe ten yards behind me but it’s so thick I could jest make out little bits of its rack. Based on what I could see and trail cam pictures I thought it might be a decent 8 that was hitting the field at last light or possibly the big 10. It was racking trees and moving around me for 10 to 15 minutes. Finally I could hear it moving closer to the edge of the field. It stepped out about 20-22 yards away. My pre shot routine is quick look at the antlers then eyes on the target area, aim small. It ran maybe fifty yards out into the open field and crashed. Exit. Very little blood on the ground. I’ll be back to work for another 5 days starting tomorrow then off for another 5. I would like to get a doe down before the bucks get them all buggered up for the next couple months. Stay after em guys, we can do this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Forgot to update yesterday morning. Fairly uneventful, had the little fork, which I think based on the way his antlers are growing is going to be a good deer in a few years, went mach-2 across the field for no reason. 45min later, the six pack of doe came out and within range, ready for for killing.,..never took a shot. They kept looing back like something was follwiong them, and my dumb brain thought...maybe it's a big ol buck....nope, nothing and they got out of range. So, I gave it about another 1.5hrs and packed up. I think the spot I was in was decent, but it's not "the spot", so I'll relocate to a new spot.
Soooo. I messed up my score sheet and used inside spread instead of spread credit. My inside spread was larger then my main beams and I guess you cant have a spread credit greater then the length of your longest main beam. So we lost some points. Good news though is that we are in second place and only 4pts behind. Happy hunting everyone.
No worries. We play fair and square. This contest is a long way from over. I expect to see some big changes to the score board over the next month. We are in a good position for the moment and just have to keep grinding. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, and I expect to spend a lot of time updating the scorecard from my stand while looking for deer at the same time. @vermontwhitetail - do you still have a pic of the first score breakdown you posted? Holt just said that you listed 90 and change but I entered 93. If so I’d like to know for sure I made that mistake.
I was out last night and didn’t see anything which is kinda weird. Things are starting to ramp up in my area with scrapes starting to show up and I will get more aggressive in another week or so. In the meantime I’m trying my best to stay out when conditions aren’t good and I’m not willing yet to push it yet.