Well, It's getting close for me, but they haven't even cut hay yet... so when they decide to come do that I have another 5acre property that I hunted about 3 years ago and shot 3 deer in a matter of days, And no ones hunted it since, He said he hasn't seen very many this year, but we'll see. I'm going to my "go-to" stand Saturday evening, I have to work Sat. morning, and hopefully I'll get off in time to hit the showers and then the woods. Good luck to all that opens sat and all those who are out already.
Sounds like the whole team will be in season by Saturday right? We have no excuse to not be on the score board come Monday morning...it's going to be a race til the end as you will begin to see many more kills by other teams in Oct. Good luck to all, Pick a spot, and remember 2 pics with you/deer/bow! I'll be hunting public ground all weekend with buddies...Friday night will be more trying some new spots...just got a feeling that my Saturday morning spot deep in the woods on one of my favorite ridges will produce...
bz_711, sounds like a plan. I can't wait for the pics. I can't wait for Saturday. Let's get it done boys.
I am so bummed out, I have been preparing for saturday all week just to find out that I am going to miss it because I was picked to work 8am to 10pm on sat. I will have to make it up on monday I guess!!
It's no consolation, but it's a long season, you'll get it done. That said, I would be heartbroken. Chin up and focus on Monday, who knows maybe it will be THE day.
Opening day came and went without me releasing an arrow. I needed 8 more yards for a doe. I saw some small bucks and had a great day afield otherwise. Tomorrow night I will be in the stand again, but I will likely be looking buck only as I have a big day at work on Tuesday and can't justify a doe for calling off if necessary.
No points out of me this weekend...first sit of year on Friday had big doe come in to 15 yards...drew back 2 different times...wouldn't stop in a lane - while going through the last lane I bleated with my mouth (which has always worked for me to get a shot)...this old doe bolted...it wasn't meant to be. Very windy conditions this weekend, deer sightings way down for our group...might be Saturday before I get out again. Glad everyone's season is in...Good Luck!
I hunted sat morning, monday morning and I am going out tonite, so far I have seen two turkeys and a hunter in my one hunting spot!!!
Good Luck! We need some points boys...Weather in the 50's and 30's this weekend here...may only hunt Saturday morning...but should be a good one...
No go this weekend, I'm just not seeing much for deer and going bald scratching my head about it. I did have a set of twins (without momma) that offered me shots a few different times but my black lab was larger so I let them go. I did see a total of seven coyotes this weekend which I cant imagine is real good for the fawn crop. It'll all come together for us real soon, no worries!
Passed on 50 points on yesterday boys. Mondays are a buck only day for me as I have to be up early on Tues (4:30 am) or call off. I ain't calling off for a doe. I'll get it done for us, I promise. I have some doe heavy spots and also am heading down to York again this year to hunt with Twild. Last year was a doe massacre.