Checking in here boys, I have been pretty busy with school. I have not been out hunting since last Thursday. I will be out Thursday thru Sunday, all afternoon hunts. I hope it happens this weekend, I have a good feeling about it, the weather is starting to cool down here in Wisconsin. Hopefully the deer will start moving now!
Hung the camo outside in the tree last night...that means we're getting close ...and the broadheads were flyin' good...
I am working extremely hard in school to catch up. I so far so good, this will mean a decent amount of time in the woods. It won't be as much as I would like but it is still time. I will definatly really need to close the deal early season because it will be hard for me late season. I got class mon wed fri till 6 and tue and thur till 3 15. I also have a 40 min travel back to my hunting grounds and i work friday and sat all day so i can't hunt then so you can see my limited time especially after the time changes over.
NRK...make the most of each sit...even with limited time - don't overthink it. Hit your best spots - put some points on the board for us. How sweet would it be to put down a Buck & Doe...while on a limited school hunting schedule. Get-R-Done!
I am going to put points on the board this weekend, there I said it. I have seen 19 deer in 4 sits. I'm gonna get it done this weekend.
Nice! Get us started...and the rest of us can start piling the points on next weekend...let's get doe happy the first couple weeks and jump out to an early lead! Pick a spot!
So who hunted this weekend? I worked the weekend so did not get out but have a four day weekend next weekend so I plan to be in the treestand a bit as well as calling in a few ducks. Its supposed be 35 here tomorrow night, that gets you in the mood!
The forecast ain't looking great for the weekend. I'll be out regardless, I just wish we could have the midweek weather for the weekend. Oh well, I'll be happy just being in a tree......finally.
Had a couple shot opportunites, but they were not good for the camera man. Just the way it works. It'll happen soon enough.
It should of happend for me on Saturday afternoon....The story below...The hunt will be aired on the Sportsmens Channel in January!! We got into the stand at 4:45 for this afternoon hunt. This is the same stand I had deer bust me last week Thursday. At 6:30 Brady (my brother) spotted a buck about 75 yards away coming out of the corn field. He fed for a good 15min before walking back into the corn field. After that, Brady spotted a doe walking down the edge of the corn field coming to us, but she had other plans and ended up going in the corn. Soon after that I spotted a doe coming out from the woods, She walked to the corn field and went in the first row of corn and started walking in our direction. Things were looking good at this point, she was closing the distance. Once she was 40yards away she came out of the corn field and walked right to our tree. Once she was 10 yards away and Behind a limb full of leaves, I pulled back. Well, Brady thought that I was going to shoot right away and he told me not to shoot. She heard him and stopped. He moved to get on her and she busted him and bolted out of there. She had to take two more steps and she would have loved it. It was a learning experience for the both of us! Maybe next time! Good luck to you guys that are hunting soon...I have a feeling we are going to lay em down together as a team!
Dang, so close Zimmer. Looks like a good stand site though for the rest of the season with all the activity. I picked up "the can" tonight, any of you guys had any luck with that?
I hope so, I believe it will die down once the corn is harvested. The stand is on a point with beans to the north of me and corn to the east. The deer come out from the south of me and funnel between the corn and my stand which is in a big oak tree. I guess we will se how hot this stand is when the corn is harvested!!