The first 3 weeks of the season you have to take a doe in order to take a buck. after Oct 3rd you can just take a buck and the fall bow season ends on halloween.
Well boys it was a slow opener here in Wisconsin. The Temps were in 80s and deer movement was slow...not sure how much hunting I will get in this week, but I plan on getting some in...This weather is killing me, going to be hot all week. Here is how my opener went!!
Well I was out again tonight and just like opening day, no does! But the buck I'm after showed up at 10 yards Here he is laughing at me because I can't find a doe It gets better. He went into the field and another guy who hunts the property shoots at him. Thank God he missed!! Well that was another 6 hours in the stand.
Who's putting us on the board this weekend? I'm ready for some kill pics...deer are starting to drop in the's going to be a race! My first legit hunt is afternoon Oct 2nd...annual campout that weekend with about 10 buddies - if cool weather it's a deer campout and many does usually fall, if too warm it's a beer campout and many cold ones will won't have pc access until late on the 4th, but will post quick message via phone if I put something down. Shoot straight fellas!
Ain't gonna be me this weekend. I have two more to go. Good luck to those who are out. We need on the board.
I will be going out this afternoon...This hot weather here in Wisconsin is getting too me, I hate hunting in heat!! We will see how it goes tonight...I will not be hunting at all this weekend, im heading to Madison to watch a badger game! Will be back out hunting early next week, I just pray that it cools down a little.
I will be out all weekend. I am pumped. However, my dad is up to bat first so hopefully we can get our first of the year on the ground. I have spots I could go to and shoot a doe first morning, but I am saving my best stands for a few more weeks. I have lots of time to hunt and I'm not going to burn any area out. We'll be on the move in the early season. Good luck fellas.
HAD to make sure we weren't the only team on pg 2. Anyone doing any good today? Anyone got a solid plan for tonight?
Well thanks for asking Ben I'm doing good, I worked today and had a nice dinner at Golden Coral tonight, Plans for tonight? sit on the couch, pop a movie in with the lady and browse on
That's a solid night any where bud. I hung an awesome stand in a spot I found last week when I was skidding standing dead wood out for my woodstove last weekend. I put up three cameras on the three trails that run by it. Should be interesting. I hunted near it last year a time or two with the climber, but I think I have pin pointed where I need to be and it had to be a hanger. I won't likely get to be the first to hunt it as my brother wants to hunt it opening night and I will be in my food plot on another prop. Should be sweet though. It's an awesome travel route, I expect it will pay off for someone.
Sounds like everybody is starting to get going... I'm back from the elk hunting trip which turned out to be a real bummer. After a 17 hour drive, I arrived at "elk camp" and met up with two uncles one mile north of the New Mexico border on Friday afternoon. We set up camp and got ready to start hunting Saturday morning. We were into elk on Saturday and things were looking good for the next 9 days. After Sunday mornings hunt and a little breakfast, we checked our voicemails and got news that my grandmother (the mother of both my uncles) had passed away unexpectedly early on Sunday morning back in Minnesota. Obviously we were all a little shaken and the hunt was going to be cut extremely short. We hunted the next day while waiting for funeral plans, and then broke camp and left Tuesday morning. 17 hours straight back to Minnesota (thanks to sme of those wicked energy drinks), unloaded gear, and reloaded the truck for a 4 hour drive back home and spent the next few days dealing with family, the wake, and the funeral. No fun and no way to start the hunting season. Hopefully the rest of the year goes a little better. Looking forward to everyones pictures.
Women talking on cell phones and driving 4 wheelers + DJ and Wedding reception = non success. This all took place in BFE North Central Missouri. Hoping for better times next weekend, and I will be behind the stick and string this go round looking to score for us fellas.
Well guys almost had 50 points for us tonight. I had a doe at 30 yards behind a bush with a fawn. She stepped out and my nerves got the best of me. This is becoming a tradition for me since I usually miss the first legal deer of the season. The arrow sailed right over her back. I should have concentrated more on the shot and maybe waited a few more minutes for them to get closer, but they were feeding and last light was closing in fast. I guess that's why they call it hunting. They didn't get spooked too bad and ran to about 40 yards and continued feeding through the woods. I didn't feel comfortable taking a 40 yard shot. When they were about 80 yards away I started to climb down and when I was down they were out of sight. That was my evening hunt.
keep at it boys...with everyone's seasons coming in soon...maybe we'll light up the scoreboard all at once! ...but I am ready for some kill pics (don't forget two pics with bow/deer)
Thats what I am hoping, I got one week left and I can not wait. I do not have the first day off of work, but I am going to be able to get a morning hunt in. I am hoping that it will be a productive first day. It has been the longest two weeks of my life so far and I am more excited about this year then any years in the past.