I vote you Ben to be our captain. How big of bucks are you guys looking for?? I like being the underdogs and I think we have a shot at this...We will suprise a lot of teams this year!! The buck I'm looking for will be 125" and above untill the last week of the season, then I will shoot anything 115" and above.
Team: Boys of Fall Bone Bruisers Like Big Racks Double Lung Hunt Hard Some of the names I came up with, some might be gay!! LOL
Or: Nice Racks Emmersom Biggins ...I am good with whatever you all want to choose...make's no difference to me I do think Avatar should incorporate Team 16 at top, Team Name, and our individual names...along with some type of pic (see team 7's)
Hello Fellers!! I just got back from Jamaica and now a married man, but not to worry, she knows of my Fall obsession.... My name is Aaron, 21 years old, I hunt roughly 100 acres in my home county here in sw VA and Have a nice prospect on trail cam so far, and hope to discover some more nice bucks and there patterns seem to change here in late august. Last year was a good year for me, harvested 3 does w/bow, and took my rifle out for 1 day and scored on a nice 8 point 20yrds from the stand I would have been in if I would've had my bow... oh well maybe this year, I feel very confident for a doe at least. If everything still works out I will also be traveling to Kentucky this year for a weekend also, hopefully. Good to see all of you guys, Ben/ PA sounds like a good captain to me, looking forward to a great year.
Great to have you Buckmaster...That was a beautiful buck you shot last year! Good luck to you this season
My name is Corey Fox and I am also 21 and a college student. You may think that might hinder my chances of getting in the woods. Actually it increases my chances of being in the woods. It allows me to get away from work a little more then I usually do. So I am looking forward to seeing what our team will do this year Good Luck to everyone!
Corey, where are you attending college? Good to have ya. Oh ya...and my Official vote is for "Rack Smackers". Short and sweet.
I like Rack Smackers- That gets my vote...This upcoming semester I have Thursdays off and only one class on Friday mornings, which is a general, so I have a feeling I will be missing that come end of Oct. early Nov.
Rack Smackers it is then! Ben, if you can have your buddy MGH do up an avatar that can be sent to us all - that would be sweet. Not sure if a pic/design will have to be made or someone can find something...one thought would be outline of large buck hanging, or close-up of rack/head with two hands holding on to it...just thoughts... Just for fun...anyone want to "pledge" points for contest? If all goes well - I'm holding out to beat my two bucks that go 128 & 129...so my goal and pledge will be 130 + 50(doe)...for total of 180. Remind me of this often throughout the season!!! ...Well...let's smack those racks!
I like the name also, sounds good to me, I'll pledge 50 points, and thats all, I don't want to disappoint. lol. but heres the guy I have my eye on so far... real nice 9 point. What do you guys think he will score, bear in mind he's still got a little bit more growing to do.... 110-120?
Since this contest is total gross...I would say that buck could go 120". He would look very good in the official scoring forum! Good Luck!
That is a good looking buck Buckmaster...I will pledge 50 points for a doe and 115+ for a buck, so 165 I hope I can contribute.
Im attending Indiana University of Pennsylvania for Criminology. This is my last year to finish my bachelors, but one reason I really enjoy going to school is that it lets me get away from my job just in time for archery season. I work six days a week 10 hrs each day so I really would not have time to hunt, but since im in school i only work weekends. So I am looking to contribute to the team. I just got one question do we get points for does?
I like the name too, it sounds good, sry it took we so long to respond work has been crazy lately. I will be able to hunt 5 days a week and I have one buck tag and one doe tag. This is the first time I am doing this so I might be asking a lot of questions about things.