Excellent work buckmaster! Interesting left antler he has the way it splits immediately. There has to be a story though right? I had some luck yesterday. Not huge but after the year I have had, I am mighty proud. Excuse the orange as it is now gun season in MN. I have other pics with the bow that I will enter. My favorite...
Hey guys...nice deer so far. The updated score shows our team score of 412...is that correct? Have BowZimmer and Buckmaster's bucks been added? Unfortunately...the nice buck I was hoping for on our small property got no closer than 45 yards last Wed...then he came to less than 30 yards on Friday morning - which means I got him with my shotgun I rarely shoot bucks with my gun(haven't since 2000), it's more of a Deer Camp/Family hunt and I'll shoot a doe or two...but I couldn't let this one go - regardless of weapon - I still have a love of large whitetails. Still have a lot of bowseason left here - so hopeful I'll add some antler to our score...although I know the odds drop considerably...as does the hunting time.
Here are some pics...sorry he's not getting added to our score guys...my passion is bowhunting, but also have a passion for large whitetails...gun or bow - this one was not getting a pass by me He is going to look great on the wall!
Anyone still have plans to get at it? I will be out every morning and evening from Dec 26th to Jan 2nd and a few more times after that. We shall see what happens.
I would love to hit it hard again - just a very full schedule around the holidays. My goal is at least 5 more sits...still have some standing corning, so a good snow or ice would increase my odds for bucks in daylight...would still really like to get a buck with bow. Out of the last 6 weekends, 3 are also doe/gun seasons...so won't have the woods to myself much more.
I'm still after a doe. I'm seeing deer but it just isnt coming together. Less than 3 weeks left, and this extreme cold isn't making it any easier to go out after them. Who has yet to get a deer but not enter a score? We have Buckmaster, Ben, BZ, and Licking Branch on our score card. My buck is under team 10's score and after a couple of PMs to Justin it is still there.
I have been passing doe for the firearms season. When late season comes back in, there is another doe getting an arrow. Still holding out hope for a buck too, but the doe chances are much better. Gonna set up a blind on a hot feeding area.
Quite frankly, how unfortunate... I had my buck at my Grandfathers barn... and I fear something has now taken it off... It wouldn't score much over 50" maybe Justin will atleast give me the Fergie Clause for it.... I'm going to try to find it... maybe "it" didn't drag it far...
Got us some buck points! Pics below...and full story in bowhunting section...here is link: http://forums.bowhunting.com/showthread.php?t=10531 I will post score tomorrow in Score Card...
Any of you guys still hunting hard? Sorry I havn't posted my kills yet, but I havn't got to scoring my buck yet and I only have pics of the does I shot with no bow, but the video will be on-line in a couple of weeks, so I hope that works. I should be adding right aboud 130 pts to the board!