Sorry guys, I wont have the pics of the deer with my bow until early next week, I will still be able to enter it right?? I will post pics on the General Bow hunting page for now. Thanks
Atta boy, I'll take 50 more points. I smoked a doe today too, but I already have one in the contest. Good job.
Here's 50 more points. Had a great hunt today - my first 4 hunts this year had only resulted in 2 deer in bow range - and no antler sighting yet...that all changed today. First deer today was a 3 point with nice 2.5yr 8pt that came chasin through the standing a doe worked her way down the dirt road to me, this 8 pt took off after her and seemingly knocked down acres of corn trying to catch her...he came back out again...both times walking within 15 yards (nice to know they're using this trail to enter the woods). Later in morning another small buck chased does all around the grass for 20 could tell does wanted no part in it yet. Just as I thought morning was settling down...had 3 does to left working their way in and 2 to right...didn't know which way to position myself...the doe on the right got close first, she locked on me as my pins got on her - 10 yard shot, spined her as she ducked it slightly, followup passthrough to end it. At least 9 deer different deer sighted, 3 bucks, 2 raccoons and geese overhead...just a perfect morning (and I knew a NW wind was right for this stand...and sure enough) Might hold off on the does now until after thanksgiving...time to get some antler points for us!
Awesome!! I'm getting ready to head out myself here in a few... If I can stand up, The Wind is HUMMING out there.... Every day I get a chance to hunt the weather has been CRAP... oh well it's hunting I guess... Congrats BZ!!
Great job BZ, sounds like you had an excellent day in the stand and a great spot to take a buck down in the future. I'm just plain stinking things up right now, usually I have one to two does down by now and so far nothing. It'll come together....
I'm on the board 50 more points for us fellas! The evening of Oct 17th we settled into our stand on the East End Island. The stand is setup on a point of an island of trees that splits up a large ag field. On one side of the field is a 8 acre alfalfa field and the other is a creek bottom field planted in beans. The deer bed on each sides of the creek depending on the wind. They have mainly been coming down from the North ridge (east/west ridge, south facing) and going to water midmorning and then bedding on the South ridge (east/west ridge, North facing). The deer funnel right past the point on this island. They have been doing it forever. If they come from the south they can appear out of nowhere because they have 3 trails through the beans and where we are you can only see one of them. We hunted it once before in a bad wind and ended up spooking 17 deer that evening. The main deer that spooked is an ole doe with twins. She came out in front of us last weekend (Oct. 10th) and when the camera motor engaged she must have heard it because she came in looking for us. She started to clear the last limb in the way when I drew and she caught my movement, froze and turned back. After 5 minutes the camera disengages and when that happened she blew out of there taking all 16 other deer with her. We were disgusted. I should have waited to draw until I had a clear shot. Either way that was now the 3rd time this single deer had busted us. We got into the stand early around 3:30 and settled in. Around 5:45 I caught movement in the beans and I signaled to my dad that their were deer coming through the beans. Little did I know it but a mere 2 seconds later a doe was right on us, she was in the lead and I never saw her. I had to signal my dad (camerman) that the deer was right in front of us cause he was trying to follow the deer from the bean field coming into and out in front of us. I caught his movement as he swung the camera around. I drew back as she was walking. She stopped and glanced back into the bean field for a second. She then started walking again and was about out of my lane when I shot. I made a bad shot, as I hit her just behind the rib cage and high. However blood was spraying from her and she ran vigorously zigging and zagging, finally she ran in a circle and up into the woods. I was pretty disgusted with myself, but I knew I had made a lethal shot based on the visual of the blood and death run. My dad was unable to capture her bolt or her death run because it happened so fast and he is still getting used to the camera. I knock another arrow knowing that there were more deer and that they might still come by. About a minute went by when the first fawn (a button buck) walked by and was looking into the alfalfa field for his mother. The second fawn came up (doe) and began eating right next to my arrow with a lighted nock. She even licked the blood covered nock and continued to feed there for wqhat seemed like 10 minutes. I don't believe in shooting fawns, we have a large herd and there are plenty of does to harvest. They continued to feed for 15 minutes in the alfalfa and then into the bean field when I caught movement in the beans coming from the creek again. A small 6 point buck who we have seen multiple times (plus tons of trail cam pics) came out and walked out into the beans where the little ones were. He grunted and chased after them a little bit and then started to feed. A couple minutes went by when we started to hear loud trashing noises coming from the timber. All 3 deer were looking into the timber as the thrashing went on and on (about 7 times altogether). The last thrash I actually saw a deer stumbling. All 3 deer ran back where they came from after that last thrash. There was a 30 minute delay from the time I shot to when that last thrash occurred. We waited until the camer light was gone and went out to inspect the arrow. The arrow was coated in blood. I decided to forget about the blood trail and to go where I saw that deer stumble. Sure enough we walked right to her and there she lay. I cut her open and I had not punctured the paunch, not vitals at all. I must have hit a main artery, she was full of blood clotting. It's tough for a shooter and cameraman when it happens fast like that. Next time I will stop the deer so I can make a better shot. This doe will not be busting us any longer and she will not be running off her buck fawn either! Pics are in the scoring thread and the video should be on Midwest Whitetail next Wednesday.
Good work fellas! Points are racking up. Dont forget to enter your does on the official scorecard as I see we are only credited with 2 does so far. We'll be unstoppable once the rut starts......
Well guys had 6 bucks come by my stand tonight...only one of them was a shooter, but he stayed at 40 yards behind some brush so I couldn't get a shot off.