The Rack Smackers - Team 16 ALL CHECKED IN AND ACCOUNTED FOR. Team 16: bz_711 Doublelung84 NRK9606 Buckmaster Ben/PA MNpurple Licking Branch BOW/zimmer
I'm here, hunting North Missouri. I'm planning to bow hunt every weekend and a full week before the rifle opener, over 50 days. I plan to contribute my fair share.
To steal ideas from another team thread lets introduce properly. I am Ben (obviously), I am a 28 years old, married and recently a father. I hunted nearly 200 hours last year and while I won't get out as much, I will still be afield quite a bit. I have some great prospects and it looks to be a good year.
Matt here from west-central IL, 31, married with 3 kids. 2 boys are 5 and 3, daughter is 1. Hunting time is precious at this stage, but will still get out each weekend and 5-6 vacation days. I hope to contribute buck and doe points...let's rack 'em up!
Kamil here from NY. Single and no kids so I have plenty time to hunt. I will be huinting public land, but have a good chance of putting a decent buck on the ground. I will be hunt approximately 2 days a week.
I can ask a buddy of mine MGH_PA to design us an avatar once we come up with a name. Kamil....I was just curious cause I get out in the other side of NY sometimes for work.
I love hunting New York, but the closest lands to hunt are so far from me that it doesn't pay. Not to mention the lack of deer in NY. I go to cabelas every now and then. Is that anywhere near you?
Jordan here from western wisconsin...I'm 19 years old and going to school for criminal justice. I will be hunting every chance I get in front and behind the camera. I will be hunting for B.O.W (Bow Hunters of Wisconsin) if you want to check out my team page, I will post a link below... If all goes as planned, we will be on the Sportsmens Channel in Januray. I plan on taking a doe right away in the early season. Looking forward to the season!
I'm 31 years old and a married father of two young boys 9 and 5. I'll be hunting for Midwest Whitetail in front of or behind the camera all season long with my oldest son and my dad. My goal is to shoot 10 whitetails and two of those be big mature bucks, one buck with my bow and one with my new T/C would be nice. If you go to the trail cameras section you can see my hit list target bucks thus far. 1. Godfather 2. Double Brow 3. Intimidator 4. Hercules How about Aerial Assault? I'm not very good with coming up with catchy names but that rolls off the tongue. It going to be fun see what we can accomplish, good luck fellas!
Hi boys. Craig here from South Central MN but all of my bowhunting is done in extreme SE Minnesota. 31 years old, not married, no kids but been with the same lady quite a few years and have been told I'm dragging my feet! I start the year of with a trip to CO for elk and then it is all whitetails and roosters for me.
Ok, who has Doe tags and/or plans to shoot doe along with buck? I do, and hope to take doe early...if each take doe, looks like we have chances for some good buck points as well. Possible team names: Chasin' Tail Bows,Does&Bones Good luck to each of you...anxious for the pics, stories, season long chatter.
I get 4 doe tags and 1 buck/doe tag and typical shoot 2-3 does per year. So I hope to contribute a few of them at least. I kinda like the name "chasin' tail" So far it has not been a good year for trail cameras for me as I havent got much of anything over 100" but the sheds we found indicate there should be a real good crop of 125 plus bucks. Just need to find them now.
dropped a quick PM to NRK & Buckmaster (whom I believe is out with wedding activities). Once they check in - we can get down to name & avatar. Also, Ben, do you want to be captain?...which should only amount to: 1)making sure our total score stays correct (so we can pull off the "W":D) 2)keeping this thread alive to encourage everyone to remain diligent in getting 2 deer to check in (although I hope we are scored in by Thanksgiving) Who's going to get us our first points? Oct. 1 opener here...might put a doe down on either Oct 2nd or 3rd.
Sept, 12 is our opener here in Wisconsin. I will be hunting A LOT in Sept. I will be mainly hunting for does few weeks of the season and will only shoot a buck if its the one I want. I would like to promise you guys and doe opening weekend, but I have yet to do it...Hopefully by the end of Sept there is a doe in the freezer!!
Sent out PM's the other day as well. The sooner we get checked in, the better. Not familiar with NRK, but Buckmaster will likely be a lock. He's due for an archery buck. It's an easy job, I can do if that's what works for us. I am online pretty consistantly. On the stuff that matters, I plan on smacking the first doe that crosses paths with me on any property except for one. On that property, I got a bone to pick with one lady. She needs killing, I should have just 'ot 6'd her last year and been done with it, but I didn't. She's a "buster" if ya know what I mean. Like where ya'lls heads are at. In order to win this thing we need does from most or every if that is possible and bucks from 75 percent or better. There is some stiff competition out there, but we can handle it. I like that we are in the underdog class of teams. Let's fly low on the radar and wait at the line.