I'll be hunting in Pike County near Barry, IL. I haven't heard anything about blue tongue or EHD out there so hopefully they made it through OK. It doesn't really matter because I'll be there regardless and ready to lay the smack down no matter what. I've got some real nice bucks local too so things are looking positive. Especially with it finally cooling down a bit. Unfortunately there was a 192" 14 point killed by a car 1000 yards from where we hunt in MD. So that's one big one I won't get a shot at.
Guys, I'm feeling good about putting 50 pts down this weekend! Especially if the forcasted SSW wind holds true There will actually be 4 of us hunting in camp this weekend, a Mitchell Lake Bowhunting Record. Me, my dad, my buddy (augustice) and my dad's buddy with his crossbow. Should be a good few days in the woods
Dang, that's a shame! Always hate to hear these stories. Fitz...good luck this weekend. Still waiting on October 6th here.
Got to go hunting yesterday. Didnt see anything, but it sure was nice to set in a tree and watch the sun go down :-)
Good luck this weekend Finch, hopefully It all comes together. Really wish we started this month. Looks like the cool down I was talking about the other day is still on the way. Going to be below normal down into KY/TN areas. Could last into first part of Oct. as well.
hey guess i wont be hunting this weekend. my wife is 35 weeks pregnant and they have just gave us the word there sending us to central baptist in lexington , for her to be induced. So prayers please , the doc said everything should be just fine but a little prayer never hurts. happy hunting and ill post pics when Easton Ray makes his entrance into the world
Congrats on the new addition, can't blame a man for skipping hunting for that. Looks like the possibility of a few future birthday hunts could be in the making.
I'll be on a doe mission tomorrow boys! Then Sunday & Monday we'll be across the lake going after Blade
Good luck in both endeavors! 3 weeks from today I hope to be posting my first sit results. Hopefully the cool weather is still around.
Hoping that's the first image I get to post up as well, good luck on the retrieval. You mentioned long *** drag in your journal thread, hoping that meant you already found her. I hope to see the same thing in a few days when you set up on Blade!
Hell yeah!!! Can't wait to see the results. Guessing 50pts and some well deserved meat for the freezer!!
Alright guys, going to head out in a bit here to get my doe. We backed out last night after augustice shot at a doe. We weren't sure if he hit it or not, so we elected to leave them be overnight. After veiwing some video I took, I don't think he hit her. We'll check for sign there first, but then go get my doe.
Just wanted to throw out a quick reminder that 2 different photos are required showing hunter/harvest/archery equipment when you submit your entry. Set your camera in a 5 sec delay and close an eye for the 2nd. Just as long as its different and of the same harvest. Posted a new thread on it but I know I bookmarked a link directly to this thread, so posting it here just in case someone else did as well.