Ok, long drive half the night last night, got to the storage unit hooked up the razors, out to the site today, 1st time in a blind, just scouting tonight, season opens in the morning, rain stopping in Ky, it could be game on for sure in the morning, here's a couple of pics from today Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
Thanks, Sat for several hours this morning then drove into three on way out for coffee. Sitting right now here's my view my feeder was destroyed by something the last 30 days, batteries died so any guesses team? Sent from my XT1585 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Checking in from Costa Rica! Good luck everyone who's hitting the woods! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hunted three days, sat, stalked, deer everywhere, none where I'm hunting, good thing it's early. Be back in October. Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
Set up a camera and checked on a mini plot. It's taking off really well for only being in for less than a week.
Decided to check my trail cams today after a few weeks. Had a couple hundred pictures but accidentally wiped my SD card before they were all transferred onto my phone Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Hate when something messes up, I've been having the worst luck with cameras just not working this summer, leave them out for weeks at a time and come back with nothing on them Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got the last of the trails mowed. Planted part of my last food plot but it was pretty wet. Only about half the size I wanted it, but it is what it is and all I am going to get done. The plot I planted a little over a week ago is sprouting nicely. Just need to trim up my stands and shooting lanes now. Shot some doves and some trap with my 10 year old son. He's pretty dialed in with a Rossi single shot .410. Hoping he can harvest a duck or two this year. Checked camera and continue to get multiple nice bucks on cam with several repeats. About one third of the bucks have shed their velvet. All in all a great weekend!
Got my first definite shooter on cam this past weekend. Will get a couple stands hung soon to hopefully kill this guy early if he stays active in the daytime. This is what gets me pumped for the early season!
Was out shooting the xbow yesterday and had a nock shatter upon firing. No damage to bow, that I can see. The arrow went about 10 yards and stuck down into the dirt about 4". Basically it dry fired my xbow. Switching over to flat nocks instead of half moon. Was going to go with aluminum nocks but don't want to throw off my FOC. The new nocks will be in on Friday. Hopefully a better quality flat nock will save my hunt and my face from being ruined. Can't wait till I can get back to my vertical bow.
Destroyed as in pushed over or guts ripped out. if pushed over I would guess bear. They keep destroying my feeders in Virginia so I moved to metal feeders you hang. In NC the coons will guts my motor if it runs out of battery to get more corn out. Bait thieves.
Mnhunterr be safe and have fun. Logman the plot looks good buddy. jlmini that a nice buck. Aaron good luck to your son. Cablebob keep us posted on the crossbow and how the new nocks work. I got the preparations done in NC. Mowed the property and now its just a matter of waiting. Season starts this Saturday but I might hold back till I see some better movement. Got to finish the plots in Virginia this coming weekend. More Oats, rye and brassicas. Then its a matter of waiting there too. Got the bow dialed in and ready to go. Now its just a matter of time.