I saw I never introduced myself, just my number 1 buck. I'm JD, 29 years old, married with no kids yet. Originally from North Florida, Baker County, but have been living in Wake Forest, NC since 2013. I use to insulate like Nick, until i moved. Now I'm a part time bus driver and full time student working on my master of divinity degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. My season begins sept. 9th. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
QUOTE="Hall77, post: 1355217, member: 24304"] Here's another. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro[/QUOTE]
All these pics are getting me pumped! I just got my two new tree stands in. Hoping to hang one of em tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Just got back from hanging another stand on a piece of property just north of our place. Need more stands..........
I'm setting up in the corner of a small field, there are about 6 Apple trees within 15 yards that are absolutely loaded this year! I know the deer are in there before dawn every single day because they move out of there around 9-10am like clockwork and head back into the woods where they bed nearby, I just hope I can get in and out undetected. It's gonna be a real challenge. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
1/2 acre food plot me and dad put in today. Its frigid forage fall quick plot and antler king trophy clover. Just waiting for rain now. Elite 35 80# Easton FMJ's CBE Tek Hybrid Pro Dead Ringer Freak Extreme
Sorry guys I had an insanely busy work week and didn't really get a chance to introduce myself. My name is Jim Olsson. I'm 37 married with 2 daughters and live in southeast Wisconsin. I am very blessed to hunt some incredible property. I have 3 leases and a family farm. My metro farm is in Milwaukee county Wisconsin. My primary Bowhunting is in Iowa county Wisconsin. I've been in the contest for several years but didn't manage to put up a buck last year. My standards were high and I didn't have the opportunity that I was looking for. I will kill a doe and my goal is 200 points. Personal best is 177 points. I'm an Antler King pro staffer and have been doing food plots for over 15 years. I will be fishing hard core right up to hunting season. Feel free to add me on Facebook and add my face book group The Wisconsin Rut Report. If you don't get approved message me and I'll add you. MOST OF ALL GOOD LUCK AND HAVE A GREAT SEASON! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums