Dutch, you might want to be careful offering up the chance to do some out of state hunting. Somebody might just take you up on that offer! On a completely different topic...Is South Dakota an over the counter license/tag state?
Way to stay after it Desmond! There has been some really rough weather around here the past week too. Hang in there, you’ve still got a month left and the contest runs until Jan. 31. Our season ends on Jan. 15. I’ve probably only got 1 or 2 hunts left in me before the season is over. Our family is going skiing in Angel Fire, New Mexico next weekend but I’m off work this weekend so it will most likely be my last chance to get out.
Great, for some reason I was thinking the contest ran out at the new year. The rut does not start in my area until the end of the month so I am hopping to get one during rut. I have a really nice buck on camera I am after but he only comes out at night, hoping the rut breaks his pattern. Good luck this weekend and have fun in New Mexico.
It is an unlimited draw. It takes about two weeks to get your tag. I should have some areas somewhat dialed in by the season opener. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Got these pics last night and this morning. One is of the same buck that I've had come in 2 nights in a row and the 1 antlered wonder and the small 7 are new bucks. I put out a 50lb salt lick to see if they like it or not.
Thanks! I'm completely shocked at all the deer I have on camera. I've already got a couple trees that could be contenders to put my tree stand in!
Just got the OK from the landlord to hunt and trap his fields for coyote and fox! I've got a field that's about 50 acres and he has about 100 more acres that I have to crack into! Now to dust off my traps and get to setting them!
I put out a salt block with my corn a couple days ago and went to check my camera and there was 1 buck on camera. It's weird because I was getting pictures every night and over a 4 night span I only got 1 picture of a deer. What do you guys have to say about it?
Salt won't do much this time of year. They could've found a better food source. The does could've moved. It' hard to say.
They may have patterned you going in and out. Late season they have seen a lot of stuff. I would let the camera sit and stay out for a couple weeks then see if they come back. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Checked my cameras yesterday for the first time in 2 Weeks. I think I’ve got a good idea of where this buck is bedding, it’s just a matter of catching him in daylight which has been tough to make happen. Hopefully I can get a chance at him tomorrow, most likely my last chance this season. Btw...this is the same 10pt I missed on Nov. 10, I’m not going to miss again if given the opportunity.
Had a bunch of new bucks come into town last night! They ate almost all the corn I had on the ground! I'm hoping they'll stick around long enough for me to stick an arrow in em!
Mornin' all, Well, I'm out. Yesterday was the last day of the MO archery season. It has been, IMO, a great year!! I've truly enjoyed the whole season!! Our team would've been in 1st place in most years, but this year we're going to take 3rd. It's the closest I've ever come to winning this contest!! You guys are all great!!! I look forward to being on a team again with you guys. Good luck with turkey season, fishing, food plots, and everything else outdoors. I'm on to our shed hunting team, as we try to defend our title for shed hunting. I'll keep watching this thread, so I'll still be here!! Carter. fp19.
Thanks for all you’ve done for our team. It has been a pleasure and an honor being part of this team. Thanks everyone. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I am going to try and slip out of work a little early this afternoon and get in maybe my last hunt of the season.
It's been a pleasure being on this team! It's been a lot of fun learning and hearing all of your guys experiences! I'm hoping I'm on a team with 1 or more of you guys on it next season! When do you guys think the antlers will start falling around here? I've got a 4year old borador that I'm going to try to train her to find sheds. Just got about 200+ acres to hunt on today! I found about 2 dozen rubs while I was out setting my cam and I didn't even explore half of the property.