Congratulations hall! That looks like a real mature doe, how far was she when you shot? Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Just updated the scorecard, With halls doe, we have officially broken 1000 points! Way to go guys! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
37 yards made it 75 more got it all on video. Self filmed I'll post it later. Had 6 does in the food plot when I shot her. Elite 35 80# Easton FMJ's CBE Tek Hybrid Pro Dead Ringer Freak Extreme
That is so cool! Can't wait to see the footage! I hope to get my doe tomorrow. If not than I will just have to cheer helplessly from the sidelines until December Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I'll still be hunting for a buck for little while yet. I'm back at, from Sunday till Jan 15th! Sent from my SM-G930V using Forums mobile app
Thanks it's been a great year all I have left is getting the wife a buck. Elite 35 80# Easton FMJ's CBE Tek Hybrid Pro Dead Ringer Freak Extreme
Hopefully you get that accomplished! I have 10 days to get our oldest boy a deer. Going to work on that tomorrow, after hockey. Sent from my SM-G930V using Forums mobile app
Kentucky's gun season starts in the morning. Hopefully we can get the grandparents to watch the 4 kids so we can go this weekend. Elite 35 80# Easton FMJ's CBE Tek Hybrid Pro Dead Ringer Freak Extreme
I made a mistake my self. I went to check my trail cam earlier and I had a medium taller 8pt buck come in at 6:50 this morning. I was going to go this morning but I went to bed around 10:30-11:00 last night. I'm a bit upset but I can't do anything about it now. I'll be headed out in the morning in hopes that one of my bucks will come in for me!
Here is a little of the video. Elite 35 80# Easton FMJ's CBE Tek Hybrid Pro Dead Ringer Freak Extreme