New challenge!!! I wonder if we can set a record on 200 club members on a a single season...that will never even be close to touched again, lol. I can see it in the making.
Depends on the weather now. I'm tagged out on bucks until the gun season. I still only bow hunt during gun season also. In MO we are only allowed to take one buck before gun season with our bow. I still have a gun tag and an archery tag for a buck. I have plenty of doe tags.
I have been working on getting my buck but he has not been working with me. Gun season starts in my zone next weekend I usually hunt bow only so I will still be after my buck with the bow. There are only a couple of us on my lease that bow hunt so I pretty much had bow season to myself. With the opener of gun the woods are going to get busy. I was hoping to get a buck before gun season started but now I guess I will just hope they push him to me. I do have a perfect gun stand set up for my daughter so if I cant get the buck I am after with my bow I am hoping she can get him with her riffle.
Awesome deer everybody. I finally have most things done around the house and can get into the woods. I am on vacation next week and hopefully we can add to the scoresheet
Pretty sure it is your total entry points of a buck and doe. Doe-50 + buck-150+=200+ points Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I changed out my trail cam the other day so I'm hoping I'll get some better trail cam pics. I'll be hunting in the cold tomorrow morning in hopes of getting a big buck! I'm at walmart and I found some scent killer laundry detergent and some buck scent to fire up my scrapes. It'll cost me $20 but honestly I'll do anything to kill a buck here before we move.
I'll also be sitting on the other side of the property because I did a bit more scouting on the private land. I'll be sitting on the corner of a corn field where I found a couple of smaller rubs and a bunch of big tracks. But I won't be hunting tomorrow after noon because I'm going to spend some time with my family while my sisters go trick or treating. after that It's petal to the metal with hunting!
Just woke up. I turned my alarm off and fell back asleep and over slept by about 2 hours. I'm trying to hurry and make it out there.