Should be a great morning in the stand for you. They should be active. Go enjoy the day! Good luck and go get em. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Saw 4 deer this morning. I caught the rear end of a deer about 60yds to my right moving through some thick stuff and had 3 other deer sneak up on me while I was looking the other direction. Don't think they ever saw me move but they knew something wasn't right. One big doe held up at 25 yds and decided to make a detour rather than continue down the trail another 10ft and into my shooting lane... Also heard a buckgrunting, called to him and even rattled alittle bit but he wouldn't come in.
Where’s food plot? I’m Stuck at work waiting to find out about his buck. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Just got back home. I did'nt see a single deer. I haven't seen any deer on the private land other that my trail cam pic. should I keep hunting the private land or should I go hunt some public land?
is this private property new to you? You might wanna scout some more. and have you scouted the public land around you? If you haven't then you are back to square one. I would say try to stick to private property. It makes life easier & you don't have to worry about people messing your spot up. But if you arent seeing any deer sign then it might be a good idea to try a new spot.
Do you know where they are feeding on or near the property? You may have better luck in the evening if you can get between a bedding area and where they feed. It really is a game of patience and persistence. Don’t give up. Keep the wind in your face. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I've been hunting it for about a week. It's only 7.50 acres but about half of it is his yard, house and barns, so theres not much more scouting I can do. The land owner has a tree stand setup where he's had the best luck, and he told me where the deer walk in the moring and after noon. today was my first morning sit on that land The rest of the time I've been hunting in the afternoon. I have scouted a lot of public land around where I live. I can't unt during the week days because I'm home schooled. so I can hunt when a lot of other people can't.
The boys crossed another one off the hit list on one of my leases. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
We've been looking for the buck. Was looking real good, then came to a screeching hault. Grid searched the whole area. We've called the neighbor to see if he's found anything. Sorry guys. Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app
No apologies necessary. Maybe the neighbor will have some good news, if not hopefully the buzzards will let you know if he's dead somewhere. Don't beat yourself up man, it happens's not even November yet!
It was back a little but not all the way to the guts. Never did find bubbles. I'm scratching my head. Vertically it was pretty well in the middle of the body. Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app
I’m sorry to hear that. Are tracking dogs legal where you live? The hardest part of hunting in my opinion is not finding one. It has happened to most including myself. Good luck and don’t give up. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Hate to hear you haven't been able find him. It happens to the best of us. If you can I'd hire a tracking dog. here are the regs for using a tracking dog. Just thought I'd find them just in case you don't know them and so you don't have to search through the regs. RETRIEVAL OF GAME If you kill or injure a deer, you must make a reasonable effort to retrieve and include the animal in your season limit. However, this does not authorize trespass. It is illegal to leave or abandon commonly edible portions of game. Use of dogs to hunt and recover game Dogs may not be used to hunt deer. However, you may use leashed dogs to track and recover mortally wounded deer, provided you: Have exhausted other reasonable means of finding the animal, Contact a conservation agent, Do not possess firearms or bows during dog-tracking activities, and Maintain control of the leashed dog at all times. Using dogs to recover game does not authorize trespass.