We are not allowed to hunt bear in my area. We have an abundance of bears and they are they are a nuisance. They opened a limited season for 2 days 2 years ago but the anti hunting community were so loud they closed it down the following years. I pulled cards this weekend and I have a big black bear on camera. I have had this same bear on camera since 2014. He is a big bear that I hope I never see walking to the stand. Here is a picture of him in 2014 and now.
That SUCKS!! I don't mind Opossums and Raccoons being a nuisance, but that is a much bigger "problem".
My uncle has a lake house in salt springs. For over a year there was a bear that stayed around and would constantly tear into trash, break doors, scratch vehicles (trying to get trash from the back) and the GW said they couldn't do anything unless he hurt something or someone. There are a lot of bears in FL, almost anywhere you go you can find them, they need to be managed. To bad the wildlife commission bowed to the anti-hunters. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I love how casual you all are over these monster bucks. I start to drool whenever I see a buck with three points on one side Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Haha trust me I won't be cool and calm like I wanna be if he steps out. Never even had a picture of one with a drop.
Here is the only pic I have of any kind of drop tine. This is place "fairly" close to one of the properties I hunt.
I was amazed, on the big one I've killed, that I kept it together. It was definitely a shaky moment!!
Made my on bow of split cedar, arrow, flint points...the whole works and killed a doe with it when I was 15, 28 years ago this fall. Where dose time go? Anyways, it wasn't a quick and clean kill Vowed to never do that again unless it was a necessity.
I got this pic yesterday from my mentor! I've never seen this many bears on one bait, and there sharing it. I'll be headed up either the 3rd or the 4th. I'm just hoping my new arrows get here tomorrow.
I just got a call from my mentor saying he wants me up by him on Sunday!!! I'm super pumped! Here is a pic of my bow set up.