Hoyt Factor 34 with the Z5 cams for the last couple of years and cant see getting rid of it any time soon. I'm 63 now so will probably have it till I go tits up if I have to pay for a new one!
Bout spit my drink out. Don't go tits up, sir. We need your points. Besides 63 is the new 63. I mean 43. Sent from my SM-G960U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Checking food plots and trail cameras tomorrow boys. Planted the plots two weeks ago and the rain has been pretty good since then, so I'm hoping for some good looking plots. Also, I should have a good indication of which bucks I'll be hunting this fall, so I will put together a hit list and share with you guys Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I checked my plot yesterday too, and it isn't great but not bad. It needs some more rain. I have a camera on it, and it had one fat doe on it. There was also a buck track in it that the camera didn't catch, so I have no idea on the buck. Sent from my SM-G960U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I’m just living vicariously through the guys who are out elk hunting and early deer hunting. Excited for tomorrow. Got a couple young brothers that I’ve taken out hunting in the past and they are wanting to get compound bows. Gonna let them cut their teeth on mine and my buddies back up bows. Headed to the range tomorrow. I probably get more excited for them than I do for my own hunts. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Woah! Have you changed your shorts yet? Is he in a good spot that makes him huntable? Sent from my SM-G960U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
The black and white photo is a buck I've had my sights set on since December last year. The color photo I don't recognize but I think he's mature. His front shoulder looks bigger than his butt and to me his legs look short. What do you guys think? Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Color pic buck looks like he is 4-5 years old to me. The buck in the first pic is a pig! I can understand him being your main point of focus. Got a lot of honey do's crossed of my list this weekend. Trying to get all of them caught up before season hits, or at least most of them! I was hoping to get last stand checks done, but the heat kept me from finishing up all of the strap checks. I got 11 of the 14 stands finished. The other 3 will get finished this weekend hopefully. Camera pulls were kind of poor. The last two weeks pics were mainly does and yearlngs. Got a feeling that the big boys are shedding velvet and are out traveling doe areas. Not showing up like they were!
Ya I saw those but I shot mine first! Haha! That muley is a MONSTER! Doe was just posted so 50 coming to us. Heading out tonight after a week layoff. Lots of bucks coming in but usually well after dark. May decide to stay a while tonight and hunt on the property owners deprivation tags. Unconventional but 100% legal until 10/1. Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. Had a great time camping and put a hurtin' on the crawfish. Caught about 60 and boiled them all up. Great eatin'! Then the battery in my truck took a crap so had to find an auto parts store for that but was an easy fix. My buddy broke down on the way home so I had to clean my trailer quick and drop it so I could go get him and his trailer and bring them home. Had his truck towed the next day to a repair shop. My other buddies wife got in a fight setting up a sleeping cot and lost. Leg punched her in the eye so she had a black eye for most of the weekend. But we drank a lot of beer, played a lot of games, listened to great music and had a blast of a time!