Team members are usually given a week or two to check in and then replaced with alternates if needed... So what are we thinking for team name and captain? I know several of you have nominated me - certainly would be honored long as that works for everyone? Far as Team name goes, seems like one of the more popular names people seem to like is "15 and Counting"... That fine with everyone or is there a second favorite that we want to vote on?
I'm at KU, but i will be hunting in south central KS where the big boys reign I'm trying out the new NAP expandable this year. Crazy sharp! I'm trying to get a 130" + on the ground this year. Cutting off a 150"+ is possible for where I hunt, just have to be in the right place at the right time! X2 I agree with all Sent from my Galaxy Nexus staffers will assign alternates to Teams needing more memebers...Alternates are guys that signed to late to be in the initial drawing of teams...
I think so too.....I am probably the least likely to put a big one down with my location but a 120-130s is not impossible but definitely a challenge...I am up to it though....
What do you guys think of the team logo? I can put together another option if you guys would like... can't wait to get your thoughts!
Dude, I think it is AWESOME!!! If anything can you bump the size of the text for counting up....I know it's an avatar but just wandering.....Either way...I like it a lot!!
Bumped up the 'Counting' text alittle bit. Team members please feel free to use this as your avatar, i'd be honored!
Looks great to me! I've posted our team name and captain choice in the required thread - it's official now!!
Just save the image to your computer. Then go to your profile under the forums and go to "Edit Profile" and one of the choices down the left side is change/edit avatar. From there you will just browse your computer to that image and apply.....
So when does everyone's season start? Mine opens Sept 22 though in my main area lot of times hunting is tough early because of all the crops....
I'm in IL so opening day is October 1st (a Monday). Youth shotgun season is the first weekend so I probably won't go out that first weekend.