Bucks are done here in Texas. I could possibly still get a spike or doe during the special late season - but I don't think a second doe counts for points in this contest. I got a case of COVID on 12/27 - so that put an end to my last chances to get out before new year. Feeling much better now, but I'm kind of behind on a lot of work that needs to be done on the ranch ... so no promises about my contribution.
Man…. This late in the season if someone could get one more doe that victory is ours Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
It could but I know there is a couple other guys on other teams that are still out trying to get it done. For now if someone could get a doe on the board then yes we would be in first place. Only got about 3 weeks left until the contest is over.
Don’t forget that there are still some of us that are still hard-charging on other teams Mike. That being said, I do wish you and your team all the luck in the world!
I thought she was a shed buck till I got a good look at her head. Nanny does for sure Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
Went and shot the RX7 yesterday and lets just say I ordered one. lol Super smooth draw cycle and no vibration. I think they made huge improvements from last year's carbon models. Lighter than last year's and I couldn't believe it got smoother in my opinion. 8-12 week wait but it will be worth it.
Still paying off the bow in shootin now. It’s not my favorite bow but I’m damn accurate with it so she will hang around for a while Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
I'll be paying on this one for a little while. lol Probably going to be the last bow i buy for a couple years atleast.
No I did not. Rabbit hunters trespassed and screwed it up. East of me of Highway I94 is open until January 31st. So I am currently trying to find a place to hunt. I will keep you all posted.