Back in a different stand. Back where I missed that buck Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
Good luck. I decided to hunt this morning and nothing yet. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Been a ****ty season for me so far. Too much corn still standing. Hope the weather permits these guys to finish getting it out. And sooooo damn hot! Hope things change up soon
Didn’t see anything. I’m with @rknierim its been way too hot. Hoping the weather changes soon. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
seen deer but nothing to shoot. Found some good sign and a awesome rub line so we put a cell cam over that trail and set another tone up over a scrape we found on the woods edge. Broken limbs and torn down to the dirt so we will see what’s hitting that Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
Saw a little 6 point and 5 or 6 does. Probably won’t be back out until next weekend depending on work and things around the house that needs done. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Made it out. Put my first stick on the tree and it started to rain. Rained almost the entire night and it was pretty miserable. Let up about half hour before dark but didn’t see anything. The big guy is still hanging around. Big cold front later this week in Minnesota. Going to try to get out Thursday Friday and or Saturday. Then headed to New York for a week for work.
Got pictures of a few different bucks hitting scrapes. And found a few rubs as well Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
Hi Guys First sit today from getting back from elk hunting we had some rain (I don't hunt in the rain) so had a doe at sunup then another doe abought an hour later a button buck came by almost under the stand he stayed for a few minutes then turned and was lookin back then flagged and ran up the hill I saw a small spike then the 8 pointer came out. I will get him measured up and entered not a great deer but better than average here so 70 yds later I saw him go down 3 foot drag to the tractor bucket lol Picking up a pup that's heading to be a tracker deer dog later today
Way to go buddy!!! If we can all get decent bucks we could win this thing! That’s a great seer to add the our score board man heck yeah!!!!! Love it!!!!! Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
Going out after work. Got the go ahead from the boss lady. lol Should be a good sit not the greatest wind but first kind of cooler temps this year.
Let us know what he scores when you get him measured! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Went after work last night to an 'old faithful' spot. Didn't see a damn thing. Not until I got to the truck anyway. 4 deer standing 20 yards from truck. That's the second time in a week this has happened. Told the woman I'm just gonna start sitting on the tailgate to hunt for a while lol
Saw 9 does last night. 3 of them walked right under my stand. Won't be back out until Saturday, maybe Friday if it doesn't storm but Saturday and Sunday I'll be out.
Hi Guys Posted the buck ---gross 90 6/8 ---net 89 1/8 no mass to speak of but just nice enough not to let walk by. Some years that would have been the top buck in shooting range here in VA. I will add a doe soon. He will be in the smoker Friday lol
Great job captn!!!!! Way to put us on the board! Hopefully more bucks will drop in the next few weeks Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade