You may find it interesting that while I live in Iowa, I actually have family property in Vermont. It's beautiful up there. Never hunted it, but I have a goal to one day. I was also fortunate enough to take a bear with my bow this spring. Was a very cool hunt. Hope I get to do it again soon.
There has been numerous awesome and memorable bucks killed by forum fellas and this is still my personal favorite to date. Holt's whole journey on his brute may be my #2
Looks like we will need at least one alternate even if everybody checks in. I only see 11 names for our team. Most have 12.
Hey guys. Tim checking in from NV. I'll post a little more when I get to my computer Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I'd say it's a pretty good sign we have a the majority of our team checked in already. Should be a fun year! Jordan, you have more experience with big bucks than most so I'm curious what you think the main frame 10 I have on camera scores ballpark? Always look bigger in velvet, but I’m thinking mid 140s with an outside shot to gross 150? I’m just trying to get better at gauging deer on the hoof. If anyone else wants to chime in, feel free!
I'm glad to see an active team. It's been a couple of years since I participated so I'm really looking forward to getting back out there. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Hey guys checked my camera today and got some potential Sent from my iPhone using Forums
So I haven't been out scouting, but my tags this year are the late hunt (November 10 - 20) and I work as an EMT with 2 days on, 4 days off. I might lose 4 days between work and paramedic school, but I've heard that the area that I drew has nice deer. My dad has offered to go out and help me scout and hunt this year. I'm looking forward to being able to contribute to the team.
I haven't checked my cameras for a while getting ready bear hunting. Here is the best buck I have on camera so far.