Thanks man he is pretty wild looking!!! Glad I was able to get a good shot on him. He didn’t last long thank God 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
I jumped a small herd this morning and have been chasing them since. No fresh sign. Now for the mile walk back to the truck Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Awesome JRock!!! Congrats on the doe and even better to be taken on your own land! 50 points for the good guys! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
My buck is posted on the score thread now 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
mike you MUST HAVE TWO PICS WITH YOUR BOW, Buck and You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you only have one bro, with you, your bow and buck!!!!!!!!!!!!! love the character of your BUCK ********************************** NEVER MIND****************************** SAW THE FIRST POST WITH THE 2 PICS WITH BOW, BUCK, AND YOU OPPS
Hey man thanks for looking out for me buddy! And thanks again he looks great in the living room now too lol 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
Sorry guys. My season ended and I only got out the one time. I started to lose the transmission in my truck. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Love how your pictures for the bow hunting app is you holding a buck that you shot with a gun.hahaha What’s up with that? Can’t get one with a bow? 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
That is my father-in-law that is going to die from cancer any day now and what is likely his last deer that I took him out to shoot in October. I posted it as a tribute to him. How many over 170 do you have on the wall, because I have quite a few. Maybe casting stones is not really your thing.
Shooting a 170 in Iowa is like shooting g a 140 here in Ohio so no bragging there. And I love how you used casting stones there it was clever. Lol come to Ohio and shoot a 170” buck. But my guess is you have enough money to basically pay to have that kinda buck on your wall where is I got out and get permission for the best woods I can and harvest the biggest bucks that travel threw. 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
If folks in Ohio are all as big of d-bags as you seem to be, I guess I will just stay away from there. Sounds like the deer hunting is pretty marginal anyway. No idea how some guys seem to kill good ones there pretty I suppose. I guess I see why you would ride Booner's sack, birds of a feather. Ya, I just throw money in the air and another B&C shows up in my trophy room. It's easy if you have money. Go make some and find out. And when you do, send a little to Booner to help with his ever increasing fines and legal fees. Congrats on owning the most classless and prickish post I have seen here in a very long time. Maybe ever, considering it was in reference to a family member that is terminal with cancer and was just told this morning that he would no longer receive treatments because its all but over. Maybe you will pray for him since you have a strong faith. lol
I just think it’s funny that you’re riding on the whole I’m making fun of a terminal cancer patient when you know I didn’t know that wasn’t a picture of you. And then try to bring my faith in like I don’t have any or something. And then you try to be super cocky about you’re super giant awesome 170”s on the wall like you’re some super 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
I just love how you tried to be super cocky after killing 80 and 100 inch bucks in a state that has good deer and then make me out to be an egomaniac because I have a wall full of 170's and 180's that I seldom mention. You got caught being a troll and instead of making an apology like an adult, you came back with more bashing. So ya, I do in fact question your faith, I most certainly do. You are definitely missing something somewhere to keep up with this act. I made a post that was meant to be a humorous ribbing about one of your team members getting into trouble with the law again and you attacked me. And then when you figured out that your were WAY off base on all counts, you attacked again, and again. I only came to this thread because I am friends with one of your teammates and he and his son have hunted my farms and I have had good history with some of the others also. But, keep digging if you want to look even more of an ass.
I know Fletch pretty well and would have to say he is a damn good hunter and even a better person. His wall is damn impressive and all of those bucks are DIY. There is no other way to look at it other than are team got tarnished because a POS scum bag was on it. He poked fun which happens a lot on all the threads.