Well. Nothing, zero, zilch, nada, Nathan. Beats work though! Hopefully Saturday morning I can get back out. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Unfortunately was unable to locate her. After jumping her I was forced to back out. It rained almost an inch overnight. No blood to go off so just grid searched. Very difficult unless she was laying in the few open spots in the woods. It’s thick and nasty with water everywhere. Looked for a half day. Tried to get a tracking dog, but was unable to. Will be my second lost deer in my bow hunting career unfortunately. The crappy part is I know she is dead and probably walked past her, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be. Next time I won’t get cute with a heart shot try and just aim for the lungs! Although, I could only have been an inch or two from the heart. The blades opened horizontally when it hit the deer which is beyond our control. Vertical deployment would’ve almost certainly caught the heart. Disappointed, but going to be back at it this week. I did jump a really nice buck while I was looking for her so that wasn’t ideal either but he won’t go far I don’t think.
Hey team I e been getting damn to this year to both trophy doe and a nice buck! I’ll be in the stand by 3:30 today so I’ll check in on what I see on the way in 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
29 degrees Saturday morning and I’ll be in the stand guy. Someone please drop something before that lol good luck to anyone hunting in the morning 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
Dude!!! Where you at? There’s nothing I love more then hunting in the snow man!!! 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
Good old Wisconsin. Seems like winter is setting in early and the extended forecast is showing no signs of a warmup.
Well, yesterday was my oldest's birthday and he got his new bow. We went to the pro shop and got him set up with a Diamond Prism and then we went to the DOW to get the information on hunter's safety for him. He said he's excited to go hunting with me in a couple of weeks.
Having a season from hell. Stuck a nice 140” class 10 last night. Pretty sure I got the shoulder blade. My arrow broke after his third bound and I found it after getting down to check. Only about 6” of penetration. Shot was slightly quartering toward and I hit a little high. I watched him bolt like he was shot out of a cannon and run 300 yards before stopping and standing. Then he disappeared. I backed out and waited until 11:00 AM this morning knowing at best I barely punched into the front side lung. Not much blood at first, but thankfully I had the snow to follow his track. After 150 yards, I started to see a fair amount of blood and it was while he was still on a dead sprint so I thought he might have been respirating blood. I tracked him to our property edge, but had to wait for the neighbor. I knew he had crossed over because I saw him go on the neighbors property and he is the only guy on our block that generally doesn’t allow tracking into his property so knew that wasn’t good. He came out with me and we found where he bedded and stopped the night before. Not much blood in the bed so he wouldn’t let me go further. I was able to grid search with a HD drone and flew over the immediate area and actually could see pretty well and no sign of him. Hoping I hit him in the shoulder and he’s living. Would’ve liked to bring a tracking dog, but that would have been a no go on the neighbors property as he barely let me go on in the first place. Feeling very dejected. Going to have a hard time sitting anymore with two straight lost deer. I think there is a chance this one is living, but still feels crappy. I have a hard time justifying shooting another deer knowing I’ve possibly mortally wounded a buck of that caliber. I know it’s part of bow hunting and if you do it long enough, it’s going to happen, but it doesn’t make it easier. Talk me off the ledge boys! Definitely need a pick me up.
I’ll be out in the morning! Good movement here in Ohio! Hoping for a good buck but I’ll take a doe! Still deerless 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
Seen a heck of a buck this morning!!!!! Didn’t quite get into bow range I’ll be after him tomorrow 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
got two decent shooters and a giant that I had an encounter with this morning. Giant is not on camera sadly but he’s out there!!! Getting lots of pics of that bigger buck right at morning so I’ll be in the same stand in the morning. Cut a few more shooting lanes into the tree line behind me and raised the stand from around 14’ bullion to about 22’ and added am climbing stick. I’m a little in the open so I wanna be pretty up there 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
Keep your head up Aaron! I have been there multiple times myself. Best thing to do is get back out there! You can do it ! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Well guys most would call to if hit a awesome night but I’m not.... jumped a nice 120” on the way in. Shortly after he came back around then two more bucks showed up one got down wind of me and ran off the other noticed a third (shooter) in the woods. He ended up taking off. I grunted at the shooter he stared for a while the turned and took off bout an hour later seen a nice doe with a shooter on her tail but nothing in range... all season.... I’ve seen deer after deer after deer..... nothing in range. Moved a stand... nothing in range.... cut shooing lanes on a trail behind my stand.... nothing in range.... seen SOOOOOOOO MANY BUCKS... nothing in range... just having a tough frustrating season. I’m usually consistent wish it comes to dropping does early and having November for bucks but this year.... nothing... I’m seeing deer.... but I either get busted or something from nature keeps them from me.... for 4 days off coming up. Crossing my fingers 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
I’ve had many encounters with a few really good bucks in the past few days!!! I work tomorrow and then have 4 days off to hunt morning to night!!! Hoping to see some antlers hit the ground. Hopefully one of these boys. That half picture is a buck I think we call crabs!!! Never showed up last year but I think it’s him 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
We went out Tuesday and spent most of the day out on the mountain and didn't see a dang thing. But I had the boys and dog with me and we enjoyed our time together. Between work and school, I'm unable to really get out before the last couple days of the season, so I'm planning on staying at our station and basing the hunt from here. It's closer to the areas that I've heard have deer running around. But it's still warm here, it was 50 on Tuesday.
Big Doe down!!! Watched her for 45 minutes and no bucks. Made the right choice. Dry Doe. 6 yard shot. Double lung 30 yards and watched her fall. First deer on my property! Sent from my LM-Q610(FGN) using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
BBD... Friday lol i put it on the score thread but no score until I get the mount back in like a week or so but he’s down!!!! 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio