Just found out that just a few hundred yards from my new spot... a few 200” bucks and many giants have been harvested!! But told me in on a killer spot to take a buck 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
I was out this morning with no luck. I hope you all get covered up in deer! Good luck! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Negative. 0 for 5 so far. Hoping to get out most the day on Thursday. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Nothing for me in 4 sits. Seeing some deer but nothing close and not as many as usual. Starting to get more camera activity including some 2 and 3 year old bucks moving in daylight. Plan on hunting every day starting Thursday so hopefully it picks up. Weather is looking good. Decent front with good wind directions for me. Fingers crossed!
I must of seen 20-25 does last Friday evening sit. I had one come right under me but a bit small for my liking. Thursday night Friday morning a car hit 2 fawn does and left them at the end of our driveway. I claimed them with the Wi DNR and got some good meat out of the deal. I also had taken my son Cole on his first bow hunt last weekend. He had a small 6 come by his stand numerous time but he didn't want to shoot it. I told him from the beginning shoot what you want to. He had hopes of a nice doe coming by as well. With him and I having 4 doe tags each we need to wack one or two. Cole did get to see a monster come right out at dark. The damn thing is bedding right behind the farm house. I pretty much have a idea on how to kill him . I am heading back out to western Wi Thursday to Saturday. I will get after him.
I will be out Thursday evening and hopefully Saturday morning over the feeder. 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
Just passed two doe and got winded slightly by a promising 2 year old buck. He circled down wind at 20 yards. Could’ve smoked all of them but not what I want to shoot. I’d probably take an adult doe tonight depending on the situation but deer movement seems good early.
Well, had a great sit tonight without shooting a deer. Covered in deer and deer moving everywhere. Had a shooter hold up behind a thicket about 40 yards downwind of me. He didn’t move but just tested the wind for about 15 minutes. In the meantime, two 1.5 year olds came from behind me. Thought they might coax him out of his spot in the thicket but he just watched them circle my stand and feed a bit in my plot. Eventually he slid up the fenceline to my east and offered a 50 yard broadside shot but I just don’t feel comfortable much past 35. He wasn’t a giant by any means but a solid 130”+. Saw several other deer at a distance and some kind of close. Lost track of how many deer I saw but it was over 20. Looking forward to the morning sit.
Guys I’m getting so close to dropping antlers 2016 bear escape Black eagle Spartans NAP Double Cross Ohio
Activity continues to be good in the evenings. Mornings not as much, but I’ve seen a shooter every time out my past 4 sits. Unfortunately, most have been at 100-200 yards. Can’t get out tonight unfortunately. But hope to get out tomorrow night at least. Thinking of skipping the morning sit, but we’ll see. Forecast looks nice and cool for the coming week. Go get some boys!
Just let one fly at a doe. Think it was true. She ran off and kind of stood, but pretty sure she went down right there. Stay tuned! Plenty of time for a buck yet. Normally I wouldn’t shoot a doe this time of year but it was kind of a perfect scenario and early enough so what the heck.
Well crap! Guess I shouldn’t have been so confident. jumped her. As soon as I got down and grabbed my arrow I thought uh-oh. I must have hit her just forward of the heart through the esophagus. She’s going to die, but I had to back out and now it’s pouring out. Lots of blood and about 6-7 beds. Poor girl. To make matters worse, I jumped her into the neighbors woods. Not sure if I’ll be able to go in to get a doe. Bucks they are usually pretty good about, but traipsing through their woods for a doe might be a no go. I pride myself in making clean and ethical shots so I’m mad at myself. If it weren’t going to rain, I would’ve probably backed out, but after following good blood, I thought she would be dead after 2 hours. I’ll keep you posted.
I hope you find her Aaron! Don’t beat yourself up too much man. We have all been there. Unfortunately, it’s part of the game. Keep us posted... Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Well team. I am back on stand for this evening. Hoping to be able to get us some points!! Good luck to anyone else who is out there! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums