Absolutely, after a huge taco bell lunch I pert near burned a hole in my underwear. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
I have had a couple run ins with a group of does, but no bucks? I am on public in Kentucky and tomorrow is gun opener, rain moved through and dropped temps 15 to 20 degrees. You would think I would be covered up, but dead besides 3 does on my walk in?? Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I have not had call off any kind, Tom. Been really slow everywhere I’ve been. Going to try Iowa again early next week. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nice Lester! I scored but not on a buck I was after. And the pictures suck! I will score it in the next day or two.
I’m hunting Wisconsin’s gun opening weekend. I hunted with a good friends dad yesterday. He’s 81 and hasn’t hunted in years. He wanted to go to one last deer camp and kill one last buck. He shot an old 9 pointer with a huge body last night. It was awesome being in the blind with him when he shot it.
I’m at the point that I’m gonna shot the next deer that walks by as long as it’s had a birthday. My freezer is empty so contest be damned I need groceries.