Weather was just getting good and now it’s warming up again. Heading to Iowa in a couple weeks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well I screwed up. I had this guy come in at 24 yrds. I hit him a bit high and the arrow didn't pass through. I watched him run off with my arrow sticking out about. I waited about and hour and went and found blood. He headed across a bean field towards the corn. I stopped and backed out. And now of course it's raining! That was about 2hours ago, i came in for dry clothesand wonder how long i should wait? Sent from my SM-G986U using Forums mobile app
Dang it!! I hate that feeling! With the rain falling it’ll be tough. Sorry for the late response. Any luck? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
UPDATE. I waited about 4hrs and tracked the blood over 1/2 mile. Then it stopped! I did a grid search with no luck. I never found my arrow either. My son inlaw went out and looked too when he got out here. And he couldn't find anymore blood after my last found blood. I'm sick about it. Very depressing. I think my arrow hit the shoulder or leg bone which pre ended it exit hole. Had it passed thru I believe it might have ended differently. Sent from my SM-G986U using Forums mobile app
Dang it Cat. We’ve all been there, it’s a sickening feeling. Hang in there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dang it Cat. We’ve all been there, it’s a sickening feeling. Hang in there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry to hear this. Hang in there, another chance is coming. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
@Bobcat031 That is a worry I have every time I'm out. It would be my luck that I'd lose my first deer. The last 2 weeks have been a bye-week in my zone. General season opens this Saturday and I'm not sure I want to compete with that pressure. I've been out pretty much every weekend before that break. I've had 2 shots on does that missed because I forgot about how they drop before they run. I'm still glad those didn't land; the 2 came up on my cameras and one of them was a spike with a single antler less than 6 inches long. I found his other antler within 30 feet from the camera that picked him up. From 60 yards there's no way I would have seen it. (I would have been so screwed). Last weekend out was almost 90 degrees. There had been no movement on any camera for over a week, so I scouted new areas. Found a few beds and a new trail without boot prints. So far, that uni-button and his mom and a barely passable forky have shown up but there's a lot of movement in the new spot. I'm very torn on if I'd take that shot. Looking at his spread now, if he makes it through the season, he'll have a beautiful fork next year. Something about the Muleys in San Diego County keeps them forks for a loooong time. It's very rare to find a 3x, but those fork spreads will get real wide. Would you take the shot, first deer or not?
Its hard to say if I’d take the shot. It’s all about what makes you happy and excites you. It’s your trophy!! Your effort is awesome!! I’ll be able to hunt next week in between hockey weekends. Best of luck and keep at it Agi!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That’s awesome, Lester!! I tried Iowa for a couple days and came home. Gonna try again about Thanksgiving. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk