Agi, that’s an awesome hunt!!! Can’t wait for your next adventure!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks Foodplot. I haven’t been on much but will check in from time to time. Will be on much more about mid October thru December! Good luck all! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
At it again tonight. We’re 17 days into the season and it doesn’t get better after day 1. Not very optimistic tonight but anything can change in a few minutes hunting.
I posted in LFTS but i made it out Sat evening and was busted by a doe and button buck. they circled around me to about 80 yards and walked off. Ive got some decent bucks on cam, but doe are definitely on the menu.
High School hockey has started so I’ll hunt when we don’t have games. Good Luck, everyone!! Enjoy the outdoors! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It’s been pretty warm here. Not a whole lot on the cameras either. Good Luck!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Season starts Sunday, however I work Sunday and Monday be out on Tuesday. I’ve had some movement just not daylight.
I’m hunting my MN lease tonight. It’s warm but I needed to change some batteries on a couple of cameras.
San Diego weather has been as bipolar as my ex-wife. I have great hopes for this Season. I've been out 5 days now and each day I'm coming up on deer. I have families showing on my cameras mostly does and spikes; one 3x with a thick neck that has shown up on cam once. I stalked him 3 weeks ago after I saw him hop over a log. I eventually caught up to him but couldn't get a clear shot through the brush between us. I lost him when I tried to find a way around. I had to sit out the following weekend to go camping with the wife and friends. I couldn't hunt that zone so I just practiced the spot and stalk for a while. I was on the right track, found an arrow stuck in a tree that was clearly a miss and very recent. No blood and the dirt and leaves under the arrow were kicked up from where the deer ran. That's when I realized that I was in full camo in an unfamiliar terrane during archery season; I went back to camp. (orange is not required in CA) Last weekend came up on another doe; she was an old mama with a broad neck much larger than some of the spikes and doe that have showed up on camera. We stared at each other for at least 2 minutes. I wasn't going to shoot her but I thought about it. I have 2 more weekends to go out before I have to take the 1 week season break and will change gears to waterfowl for a few weeks. I'm still positive this year will be the year. Historically, A22 and AO has a less than 1% success rate in my zone. I'm going to be in that 1%
Well our bow season opened on Sunday. I didn't get out. It's been too warm in the 80's here. And I'm trying to give my knees as much time as I can to heal. I had PRP injections in both knees. Suppose to take it slow and easy the first 4 weeks and then week 5 start strength exercises. It's been almost 3 weeks. My boys help upgrade my box blind ladder with stairs. They want me to be out there with them. They even said they would drive me to the blind if need to have me out there. Good boys Sent from my SM-G986U using Forums mobile app
Yep, Cape Girardeau MO. Probably going to hunt around Kentucky Lake WMA this year. Might make it out to a local archery only area about 30 minutes from the house a few times. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Been out a couple times but weather change should help this weekend. Hope to get a shot at this buck sometime.
I'm finally out for my first sit of 2023! Seen 3 does and just had a small 6 pointer walk by. And now it's starting to rain Sent from my SM-G986U using Forums mobile app