Hunter97 Man you have had a bum year. Practice a little harder and it will come to you. Dont shoot set distances when you practice. Grab your arrows walk away from the target and then stop and shoot after shooting range it and see if you guessed right
I also missed one today. Not a nice buck, but a doe. This was my second hunt with a bow and I just truely never realized what all has to go right to bring one down. I had 5 does within 30 yards of me and could not get a solid range reading before the shot, so I guessed 25 and she wound up being about 18. Couple that with her ducking, and right over the top of her back. What a rush though! Can't wait to get out and try it again!
Keep practicing! Everybody who bowhunts long enough misses. Take it as a great learning opportunity! You'll get them next time Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2
I'm seeing deer I just can't get em to do what I want. They enter and exit the field I'm overlooking from about any location. They'll settle into patterns a bit later in the year.
Well guys we got to get some points on the board. I shoulda shot the doe on opening day just to get the ball rolling. I work All weekend so next time I can get out is Monday and ill try to get us some point then
Agreed we need points. I'm headed out this weekend to Nebraska to do a little spot and stalk on public ground. Also, just got notified I was successful in a special hunt drawing for a deer hunt on a closed wildlife area in Kansas. I now have sole access to 2,000+ acres for 6 days of archery hunting in the middle of November!
I agree on needing points guys! I haven't been able to get out much...been swamped with school work. But heading to western SD for a totally new experience for me. Gonna hunt the wide open lands of south Dakota! I'm excited to give it a try! Good luck to everyone else that is heading out this weekend! I'm hoping for a buck if not maybe just get a doe down for some meat in the freezer and points on the board! Don't forget....need 2 pics guys! Good luck boys! Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
Heck we should have 150 points at least by now hunter97 shot at 6 deer so far this season. Unless that's a stretch too. I will be heading out tomorrow to try to just fill a doe tag my family and I could use the meat to save some money for Christmas!
I'm heading into a spot and stalk kinda hunt tomorrow. Logging out the big woods right now and I think there might be some weekend action there. No way to put up a stand till the loggers are done.
Well no luck this weekend for me. I'm seeing a good many deer, just can't get a shooter in range. I'm am ready to redeem myself from tuesdays miss. Monday looks like the only decent weather next week with lows in low 50s and high in the mid 70s. It's been a hot season so far, and I can't wait for it to cool down. Good luck to everyone else!
I sat this mourning and didn't see much just two does. But dang it was colder than it should be right now. I will get out Monday almost all day long!!!
I wish I was having some of your cold temps Jake. It doesn't seem like it is ever gonna cool off down here.
Sorry team.... Half dozing in the stand tonight and a pretty average 8 pointer (I think it was an 8) snuck up behind me. By the time I saw him he was at about 20 yards but was wandering into the woods out of range. Didn't have time to get set on him. At least he didn't see me. Gonna give him a go maybe Tues evening. Had I been more alert I may have been able to put some points down for us.
Keep at it AIM. Yeah temps and moon phase has been pretty good for us. I have tomorrow off of work so I am going to try to get into the woods early and sit all day. We will see what it brings for us. I want to take a doe in the mourning and try to head hunt all afternoon but only time and luck will tell.
I've been hunting all week in a new area due to all the logging in my normal spot. I had only planned to hunt there for the first week or two, but I'm about determinded to get a kill in this area. I've been so close on several occassions, and its getting personal. I think I have gotten a better handle on their patterns, and if all goes well I should get a shot on one tomorrow evening. I am ready to get back to my old stomping grounds though, it'll all just depend on how this week goes. I have get a four day weekend coming up so should get lots of hours in a tree.
Go back to the logging woods. I changed my entire plan just last week. My area right behind my house seems to have dried up a bit so I went scouting in my wife Granddads woods which is being logged out right now. I was amazed at all the tracks. On a whim I did a slow spot and stalk Saturday and saw 4 deer right amongst the tops the loggers are are leaving behind. Yesterday I put up my climber and thats where the 8 pointer snuck in on me. Last wednesday about 6:30 or so I took my wife back there to show her the woods and was amazed to see tracks "on top of" the skidder tracks from just and hour or two prior. I think the deer are moving right in as soon as the loggers leave to get at the fresh acorns in the oak tops. I plan to just take my climber and follow the loggers around.
I think I agree AIM, I am gonna be hunting there tomorrow evening, maybe in the morning if I can get out this evening to move a climber. I put out a camera and jumped up several just like you were saying. I'm so close to getting my first kill with my bow I can taste it. Hope you get that buck AIM!
Sorry guys....I've been a little mia lately. Spent the last weekend in western SD spot and stalking some mule deer. Wasn't able to bring home and venision but had a ton of fun! Got to 70yrds on a couple groups (mostly does). We had spotted a group of 4 bucks, one nice 4x4 and another was a 5x5, but took our time so we didn't scree it up and ended up losing them down in a riven. Either way was a fun.learning experience for me and my buddy! To everyone that is getting some food woods time....keep up the work! It will pay off at some point! I went on a 4 yr dry spell before it payed off for me but it was worth it! Just plopped my butt down in a tree row between a big wooded/slewy area and a corn field.....hopefully I can get a doe to come walking through! Some back straps sound like one heck of a supper to me! Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
Well it has quickly warmed back up to summer here in Mississippi and I haven't seen anything all week. From the looks of my card pulls there is almost nothing happening during the day. It has been upper 80s all week and will be all weekend, and with basically no major drop in temp during the night. It was 75 this morning at 8am, but the weather lady says we have a cold front that'll be moving through next week so I am looking forward to that.