Hey guys - I'll try to get the rest of the avatars done tonight or tomorrow. jakeratt- do you have a roster list handy so I can just go down the list creating them?
USarmyMP Ajax hunter97 KS_archer USFAN51473 benr7sj rednas5 J&A+2 AIM Jakeratt Jmcarlson6641 frosty452
I went and got some footage tonight. Saw 36 total 6 bucks and 30 does. Hope to make one buck a MOVIE star
Looks like I'm the team disappointment. Opening day is today and I overslept. Might have had something to do with the 20 beers I had last night....
These are my first two bucks to get on camera this year. Nice little look into the future. Hopefully I'll get some shooters on the next card pull.
Saw a few today but nothing within range. I'm thinking things will improve as the weather gets colder. Hate to say it but we need some cruddy weather. Rainy crappy days seem to get things going.
Well I got out this afternoon for a quick rainy hunt. The weather was fairly cool and my thermacell kept the bugs at bay. Saw 3 does, but they never came within 70 yards. It felt great to get back in the stand! Question for yall. My bow got wet in the rain, and I was wondering what all I should do besides just drying it off?
Just make sure your string has wax on it & everything else should be fine. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2
Well guys... I missed a really nice buck tonight.. probaly #130's or #140's I hadnt seem anything and was leaving the stand alittle earlier than usally. Came to the top of the hill and he was right there! I got to my knees and nocked and arrow.. Tried to range him but the range finder was dead! :O Guessed him at 25 yards but I guess he ended beeing about 18 yards. I shot right over his back! #$%^ im so sick to my stomech right now
hunter97....ive been right there before!!! Its sucks but its definatly better than the feeling after knowing you made a bad shot on one! Stay positive!
What are you looking to do with the footage? Making a film or just for your watching pleasure? That sounds like a good day in the stand to me!!!
hunter - everyone has missed one; we all bowhunt because it is so challenging. I over guessed range last year and missed a 170 class deer. You'll get another chance. At least you learned something, always check batteries before you go out. keep you head up!
I film everything we do. It's a terrible hobby. I love it. Saw 10 today and my buddy who I took today harvested a button buck all on film. This was his first hunt EVER, and he liver shot him only went about 150 yrds.