Sorry it took a while to respond. Out of the area for a funeral. Have several good bucks on camera, one freaky looking thing. It will be good to see what he turns in to. I'll post some pics soon.
I see my reputation preceeds me! You been talking to Fitz? Cant trust a guy who hunts out of a canoe!
Not sure if he is young with a ton of potential or old with none. This camera is about 300 yards from where the Beatty buck was killed Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
I passed the 12 point last year. He is about the same size he was last year so I am going to take him if the opportunity arises. The 8 point is named Scar. He was hit by the combine when he was a little feller 2 years ago. Stayed bedded until it poked him and then jumped up. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
I'm new at guessing a deer's age, but if I had to guess I'd say he's around 3.5. His neck is fairly skinny to be an old old buck and his belly and mid section are too big to be a young buck.
Looks like you've got some nice options there Bronson. Welcome! The goofy horn'd buck looks very interesting. He would definitely look nice on your daughter's wall!
New buck on camera. This makes shooter #4 I've had on camera this year. The only bad part is they are very inconsistent when showing up and always after shooting light. But if the freaking temps would cool down a little, I should have a decent chance and putting one of them down. Named the new one "Spike".
Ya he's pretty interesting for a black-tail around here. I don't know if it's the year or because I'm hunting this property for the first time but I've never seen a buck with drops or anything abnormal on their rack where I usually hunt. I've got one with a small drop, one with some junk growing out of his base and then this guy popped up. Awesome to see them on camera, now I just need to see them in the daylight when I'm in my blind!!
So get this: I took a half day yesterday to set stands and check trail cams. I haul 2 hang ons 1/2 a mile into a river bottom 25 min from home. I'm screwing in steps and realizing just how out of shape I am. Finish the first one and move on to the second. Arms are throbbing, thighs on fire, drenched in sweat. Good times right? I have all of the steps in on my 2nd stand when I feel my phone vibrate. I shouldnt get service down here? Text from my realtor "Can I show your house at 5:30-6?" (Actively trying to sell it) It's 4:30 at the time and my house is a mess. I leave my 2nd hang on at the bottom of the tree and I start hoofing it back to my car. Just dying at this point. I fly home(going way to fast) Start cleaning at 5. At 5:45 I get a text "Hey I drove them by your house and it's not what they are looking for." What?! I took a half day to enjoy my time in the woods and this is what happens?? Grr i need a beer. Silver lining: I have trail cam pics to check! .... ugh oh one card is corrupt and won't open. FML.