Well, I had a good morning hunt. Had two young bucks come in and bed by me. A spiker came in around 7:45 and a small basket 7 a half hour later. Each hung out for about two hours before walking off. Both could have been shot. Just waiting for something that excites me to do the same thing. Here's the spike taking a nap: And here's the basket on his way in, pausing at 23 yards:
Well, we waited 3hrs and found plenty of blood for about 150 yards where it turned off a trail - then we lost the blood. I never saw any evidence of a bed down. Called it quits and going to search at first sunlight. That deer has to be dead. Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
We fellas, got him. Went out at first daylight and found him - STILL ALIVE bedded under a small pine - guts hanging out...yes, bad shot. I shot sitting down and that must have messed up my anchor point. Anyway, he was in bad shape - 352 yards from where I shot him. I put another arrow in him and he was still hanging on, so I grabbed him by the horns and had my friend slit his throat to end his suffering. Nice small 8pt that I surely would have passed gun hunting. I post pics and the score within the next couple days. I'm guessing he's only around 90 inches. Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
Congrats cmd369! I’m settled in for an evening sit. It’s 80 degrees and 99% humidity. Maybe a doe will come my way. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Grats cdm369. Start my ten day rut hunt tomm. morning. Got off early today, shot a bunch of groups out to 60. Washed four sets of camo, charged three ozonics batteries to full and packed up the truck for the morning hunt. Let the games begin !!! Dave
Doe down 50 pts Shot a little high 34 yards from ladder stand pass through. I didn’t realize she was slightly 1/4 towards me. Got 1 lung and a lot of liver. Ran about 70-80 yards and piled up. Shot her at 5:17pm got down at 6:00pm and looked at the arrow. Went up to the house showered and had dinner. Went back to arrow around 7:45. Found her after about 1/2 hour. She’s in the cooler guys what a great time saw deer all day. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Hey guys I need your insight.Just shot a nice 8 at 15 yards. Shot landed high up from the heart. Arrow was sticking out at least half so not great penetration. Good amount of blood from what I could see. Do you think that’s a dead deer? I watched him walk off slowly. Broad head was a spit fire double cross. Been waiting an hour now as my buddy is hunting a few hundred yards away. Plan on waiting a few more hours. Thoughts? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Garet go check the blood and the first 20-30 yards of the blood trail and see what it looks like. Then back out and give it a little time. Be hopeful! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I last saw him at 70 yards. 5 min after shot. He was walking slowly but still in working order. Scared if I get check blood he’s bedded near by still. Plus my buddy is hunting few hundred yards away. I don’t want to ruin anything for him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If it's under 60 degrees I'd give at least 2 hours, probably 3. Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
I know. This is the number one reason I want to leave CA! But I get to start hunting mid August for archery season so guess there's a little trade to the early season.
See this is what baffles me the most about hunting. You're out there in their element, in the woods waiting and waiting and then they show up on the front porch. Amazing! Hopefully he comes back your way Fitz!
Update: after 4 hours of waiting yesterday and following a heavy blood trail for 50+ yards I figured I had a dead deer. Until I found him standing. I kicked him out and he was last seen running over a hill into a creek bottom. Waiting for the sun to come up now so I can get some closure. He’s either dead by the creek or alive in a corn field on the other side. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Garret, I experienced the very same thing. I waited 3 hours, then tracked a pretty good blood trail about 175-200 yards, then lost blood. After about a 20 minute search we determined to pull out and search in the morning. I was certain that buck was dead, mostly worried about getting to it before the coyotes. Lo and beyond stumbled upon him STILL ALIVE just grid searching for less than half an hour. He was in such bad shape he couldn't get up from the base of the pine tree he fell next to. Put another arrow in him and slit his throat to end his long hours of misery. Hang in there, if he lost a trail of blood like your showing there no way he is surviving that. Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
found the arrow. My fingers are how deep it went. Arrow fell out almost a half mile away. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Any update Garet? I’m out one more time for the weekend. Truck said 81 degrees when I️ got out. I’m set up over a small food plot so hopefully they’re hungry. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums