I've got one week left in my season. Still getting pictures of bucks but they are doing a real good job of not coming onto the property until about 30 minutes after dark. I'm gonna hunt as many days as I possibly can this coming week and keep my fingers crossed one makes a mistake and comes in a little early. Trying like heck to put something on the board for us. Keep at it Garet! You'll be there at the right time soon. Like the other guys said, give it a couple days and the stand will be fine. Best of luck to everyone. Sucks that my season is ending just as most others are getting going.
Doe down or should I say buttonbuck. 46 yard shot, thought it was a small doe darnit)) thank goodness it is considered a doe in my state. Will post pictures and post to point thread later, need food. V/r Dave S.
Good and bad news folks! Good news is I got a decent 10 pointer on Saturday! Bad news is it was with muzzle loader. So still zero points from me. Sorry gang....pics and details to follow!
Saturday evening I went back to the stand where I was busted by that doe last Wednesday. Did some soft grunting at 5:15pm and by 5:30 the same doe had wandered in, spotted me, blew twice, and took off running. The thought of just going home literally went through my mind. Instead I went back to grunting. I figured other deer won't know what she was going on about. Not 30 min later I hear sticks breaking. I shoulder my muzzle loader just as this guy snuck in through thick brush from the north. He came in at roughly 35 yards and I didn't waste much time. One shot and he didn't go 5 yards further. Super pumped to have this deer. The half mile drag and late night was well worth it! EDIT: The trail cam pic was taken a couple of months ago. Even though it is not my trail cam pic, the owner did remove the salt block prior to 2 weeks before season opened. It is illegal to bait deer in Iowa. So please don't get the wrong idea.
Bad news and good news. My old I phone 4 will no longer connect to my mailbox nor will it allow me to send pictures to another phone "Wifes I7 phone". Good news is I got a free I7 upgrade and I am xfering all my data to it now. Should have the kill photos posted by tomm. evening. Old people and technology...................................three words that should not be put in a coherent sentence. Dave
Finally got some bucks showing up on camera. I will be out Saturday morning after them. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I should get to hunt on Friday (weather permitting) and Sunday afternoon. Checking cards this weekend too and I am excited to see what I've got. Hopefully some bucks in daylight.
Heading for Missouri early in the morning. Should be in the woods for my first hunt of the year Thursday morning. Not very encouraging that the first 3 days are going to be on the warm side... Hopefully deer will still be moving due to rut activity. Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
Well, I've been out 4 times and haven't seen a hair. The time is right for me to start hunting my doe areas. At least I should see something then
Working on the in-law's house more tomorrow, but I should be out all weekend with the bow. It's rifle opener on Saturday, and I typically see some good action over opener weekend.
It seems the backup assistant from I phone four to 7 is different. Had to go to Verizon store to retrieve pictures off old phone to new phone...............what a pain. They got all my pictures/video and the rest of my saved data off the old phone and should have it transferred today. So much for technology. Feel totally disconnected from my hunting buddies without my phone. Will stop by verizon store after work to pickup my phone with all the data transferred today after work. Dave
My miniature deer posted in the score thread. Landowner wanted some tender young meat and that is what he got. What an ordeal to get a new phone working.......geeeesh))). Start vacation Friday afternoon for 10 days.................................Let the Big buck hunting begin. I will be on the lookout for a buck I named Ghost a year ago, let's see if he outsmarts me again this year !!!! Dave
Best of luck to ya Southern MD! Gents unfortunately my season is over. Wasn't even able to hunt the last weekend. Small accident with the weed eater and my eye. But the eye is getting better so that's the best news. And more good news is the big boy I was looking for made it through the season. Which leads me to a question.... How smart are deer really? I posted the pic a while ago of the giant buck that showed up between my archery and general season out here. I didn't get any more pictures of him until literally, the day after my season closed. He came in where almost all of the other bucks had been coming on the property came from but waited until the day after the season closed. With the area I hunted being so active, people are there working every day on the property so the odor of human is pretty common along with equipment and other goings on. So is this buck smart enough to know the day after my season closes? I was the only hunter on the property and find it a bit of a stretch to think he knew down to the day but they can be very smart. What do you guys think? Was it luck or knowledge that kept him alive?
Hi Team I’m in Pa. just got in this afternoon. Out for first sit tomorrow morning. Going to sit the old stable. No cell service so I’ll let you guys know. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Shot a mid-size 6-8 point about two hours ago. I would have passed him up gun hunting, but since this is my come back bow hunting season I shot him. Question fellas, how long do you normally wait to track? I thought was a decent shot from 23 yards, however, he reacted to the string before the arrow arrived so it threw me off where I actually hit him. The arrow passed through, dark blood so I'm thinking a liver shot? Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
Could be cdm give him plenty of time to expire don't want kick him up. Like 4 hours or more. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Heading to Ohio Saturday for the week. Haven't hunted much here in ny. Weather hasn't been kind. Heat and rain. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk