She came in at about 30 yards, quartering towards me slightly, I made what I thought was a great shot, after waiting an hour I got down and followed the trail for about 100 yards then I looked up on the ridge and seen her staggering away. I backed out and waited about 3 hours and picked up the trail where I had seen her last. I'm walking around looking for blood and all the sudden I see her bedded down at about 2 yards from me, and I had to put another shot in to finish her. The original shot hit liver and guts since she was quartering towards me. Not my brightest moment but I'm happy I was able to find her and not have her wounded! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Atta boy doe down and recovered ! 50 pnts for team 14 Way to go. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Anyone got anything going on? I checked cams on Friday and I have a couple of new bucks that I’m excited about. Will upload pictures here in a little while Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Can't wait to see the footage of the elk hunts Fitz! Congrats w1ickstar! Sounds like good decisions on the recovery. They're not all perfect! I haven't seen hardly anything on my cameras lately gents. Still checking and trying though. Hope everyones season starts off well and looking forward to some stories!
These are some of the pictures I got this weekend. I’m very excited to hit the woods next weekend. I’m most likely going to sit in the area of the first buck. I think I know where his bed is and the path he’s taking a lot of days. I repositioned some cameras that will tell me for sure. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Keep up the good work guys! I plan on getting out for a Tuesday afternoon sit. Not expecting much though. Going to a low impact spot where I can do more observing than anything. I only have one bow tag so it's a buck or nothing mind set til late season.
Grats on the doe. I went out Saturday afternoon and saw one doe walking right towards my stand. at 60 yards she stopped dead, head went straight up, ears back and tail went flying as she started blowing. Ran to my right and behind me about 50 yards, blew again and finally took off like a bat out of hell. Hmmm interesting I thought, I showered, clothes washed with scent free soap, wind almost directly in my face a little off my left side. Ozonics running, what could this be all about? Then it hit me, a guy I allowed to hunt this property with me " Gun hunter who is learning to bow hunt" ask me the other day about Tinks 69 doe-in-heat scent. I told him waaaaaaaaaaayyyy to early for that kinda stuff. I get down at dark and walk back to the truck, he text me "see anything" my response " I did until it hung up and 60 yards and freaked out. His response " which stand" my response "center creek stand" his response oh I passed by that stand this morning heading to the back right stand". Soooooooooooooooooooooooo, I say to myself, self, this guy would not use that Tinks after I told him not to, hmmmm, let me text him. My text "Hey dude, did you use Tinks this morning?" His response "Yup and did not see a thing" My response "WE NEED TO TALK IN PERSON" Anyways, this should be an interesting talk and learning experience for him. Dave
Felt good to be in the stand last night. It was a new place for me so I was in a low impact spot doing more scouting than anything. Had a beautiful black coyote creep in on me early on. Hung around for about 45 min but never gave me a shot. After that right before sunset I watched the 3 regular does visit my deer blind about 150 yards away. They would be easy pickings if I ever wanted. At last light I had a doe and fork buck walk beneath me. They ended up down wind from me but never quite seem to notice I was there. Must be doing something right. It was a good night.
Alright guys, wasn't able to get out today, but it's on for tomorrow. Can't wait to get in the woods. Should be hunting Saturday and Sunday too.
I'll be out tomorrow evening and the rest of the weekend (weather permitting). We're supposed to get some rain Saturday afternoon and through the night so we will see.
Dad, planted this small radish plot late in August in the field about 150yards below his house. He can watch them from his porch. He put the chicken wire around this small 3ft circle to see how much the deer were eating. Well I don’t think there is any question that they like radishes and winter wheat blend. He says there are sometimes 10 deer in a circle around that little enclosure picking through The chicken wire. The plot is small ( his 1st other than the natural hey and clover fields) I think we may have created a monster. He says “I’m gonna have to plant 100 acres to keep up with them”. Can’t wait till Nov. guys! Cheers good luck on you hunts this week. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
One more pic. This 75 year old lady shot this stud buck with a cross bow opening day with a crossbow. 169 “ This farm about 4-5 miles from our family farm. Again can’t wait until November 2nd. Come on rut!!! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Mountain jack is a red squirrel. Not a fox squirrel which are much larger. When Mountain Jacks move in to a wooded area, they run all the grey squirrels and Fox squirrels out. Mean little buggers.