@LittleChief Road trip toWest Central Indiana to hunt next year? Twitch, will you put us on the big'ns? lol!
You gotta drive right by me. I’ve been needing to go hunting with Johnny anyway. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
haha I can’t put myself on big’ns. If I could - sure come on over this way we’ve got plenty to go around. Maybe you guys could show me how to hunt them… A lot of really good public land in this area - I’ve never needed to hunt with some decent private options. Some of the best stuff that I’d want to hunt you’d need a boat to access by river. I’m sure it’s pretty decent with limited pressure. Just don’t have the time. the hunting public guys did Indiana this year - I think they had some success. Indiana isn’t perfect but it defiantly gets overlooked and I’m okay with that.
Saw zippo this morning. Almost had two coyotes for the sit. Sent from my Lone Wolf treestand using Bowhunting.com Forums
Getting ready and heading to hunt in town this morning. Coldest morning for the near future. Good Luck!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good luck!! I’ll be headed out tomorrow with my son then Sunday I’ll be looking for a buck again. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
On stand now, but wife’s car would not start. Getting new battery, so may not make it back out this evening. Headed for Kentucky for a wedding tomorrow. Sent from my Lone Wolf treestand using Bowhunting.com Forums
What a strange Thanksgiving. Brief synopsis: My wife and my parents determined that, due to my younger daughters daycare room being shut down because one kid testing positive for Covid on last Friday, that we weren't welcome at family gatherings. My mom, being my mom, had already purchased the requisite amount of food for my brothers family and my family to join the festivities... had my dad bring fully prepared food into our house and he proceeded to come inside and let both my girls give him hugs... If you guys can figure that out, let me know what the thought process there was. Of course I understand that it was a healthcare related decision and both our parents are either very close to or older than 70 years old; but come on, there was 6 days between possible exposure and being around anyone else in my family. Plenty of time for symptoms to surface. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
In the stand with my kid and my BF is in another stand on my farm with us. If anything is lurking one of us should get a shot on them as we have them pinched.
We volunteered to get tested but that wasn't enough. Again I get it, but it was the first Thanksgiving (ever I think) that I wasn't with either my family or my wife's... so it was just a little strange. I'm not complaining about spending all day just the four of us though. That was rather nice and kind of relaxing... as relaxing as it can be having 2 and 5 year old girls running all over the house. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
Bucks everywhere. On my way to Kentucky. Bad timing. They are out early still on does. Someone has got to have a good night tonight. Knock Em down! Sent from my Lone Wolf treestand using Bowhunting.com Forums
Didn't go at planned tonight. My son and I sat together. We had 6 does and a 3 year old buck come in toward last light. My bf that was setting at the other end of the pinch point decided he was going to shoot a opposum mid after noon. In doing so his limb/cam hit the tree stand on release and his string cam off. His cam is also toast. He left just after 3 PM and the buck we were after ended up under his stand at last light. Talk about bad mojo. Luckly he has a back up bow at his house or it would prob be season ending for him. I gave him some **** for dorking around and blowing it but still.... Good grief... Some times he acts like a teenager. lol!