Not too bad, as long as I can stay out of the hospital then I'm grateful to endure anything. In Venatione Veritas
Take care of yourself Fix. Hopefully it's a mild case and you're back to healthy soon. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
Had a doe come by and stuck it out until 9. It drained me. I'm going to rest and try again tomorrow. In Venatione Veritas
I am so pumped up for tomorrow. I am getting clothes washed and bag packed for an all day “ or until 3:30” sit. Raining like crazy now but supposed to stop at 4-5 am. Still slight chances for showers until noon but I’m gonna be there rain or shine. Tree umbrella ready if I need it. I’m really expecting to see some descent bucks!! Cameras are heating up!! 10 pointer that was at scrape yesterday morning really has my attention!!!!!! Let’s go!!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I'm pumped for Sunday morning. 59° high with south winds on Saturday with a low of 36° and high of 44° with northwest winds on Sunday! Killing is on the horizon! I'll get out real early and beat anything to my couch in the sky that might meander by. I'll be able to glass my approach as well to make sure there are no deer in the field. I think I might park in a different spot just to avoid detection as well. It'll make for a much longer walk in, but I'm go to change things up from last year in hopes it creates the little extra needed ninja-like behavior. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
Keep it up. Been there a few times this year. Sent from my Lone Wolf treestand using Forums
Planning on sitting tomorrow, but I am slicing the wind. It would be close. If they come out in one spot great sit. If they come out SE of me, then I could blow it out. Sent from my Lone Wolf treestand using Forums
I’m going in the same situation. Gotta try though, it’s that time of year. Be in the stand in an hour or so. Good Luck, everyone! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is unlike any year I have had. I have not seen a buck on hoof yet. Not that it owuld have made much difference, but guy with field trial dogs came whistling, directing and barking around 1000. Got out at 1030, saw nothing. Sent from my Lone Wolf treestand using Forums
Starting to question if we got hit with EHD. Sent from my Lone Wolf treestand using Forums
If pa allowed it I would be. Looking to try to get out tomorrow after work. I was very disappointed with my sit yesterday. Only saw 2 deer sll day and they were both piebald spikes. Twins!! With different size spikes. Not a single deer hit the scrape while I was there. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
My liver hates me… But I’m alive. Bourbon tasting Thursday night. Trashed. Friday night rehearsal dinner. Trashed. Saturday best man in my friends wedding. Trashed. I’m going to be back in the woods tomorrow morning. It’s go time. I can’t wait.
I got out. Saw a shooter at 60, but never wanted to come my direction. Drew on a basket 8 but never got a shot opportunity as he was chasing tails through my area. I had about 3 seconds of an opportunity but needed 5-6 seconds to get aimed. All in all, saw 7 deer this morning! It was a welcome change to my struggles from the last couple weeks. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk