That deer was suicidal. Things were slow so the bow was on the hook and I was sitting. I hear something to my left and she’s standing broadside at 20 yds. She looked at me and turned and took 2,steps and stared at me, watched me stand, take the bow off the hook and come to full draw and did not move until the arrow was in her. It was meant to be. First deer I e killed on the Ohio trip since 2011.
I can’t imagine he wouldn’t be top notch anywhere in the country. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Man this team has so much potential if just a few things go right for us… We’re literally knocking on the door!
Leave now you can be in the stand before daylight. Might even have a little time for a cat nap in the truck beforehand.
I know I'm the weird guy in more ways than one but for me I hate setting when it's nice and calm with the sun shining. It always seems like there is zero deer movement. I like it cloudy with a slight breeze and cool/cold. I don't like the wind howling either. Yeah, I know, I'm kinda picky.