I am no spring chicken. I am 240 Lbs, 6' 2" in my upper 40s and sit most the day every day at a desk. I guess I would need to try a saddle before I could stomach spending that much money on all the gear that is required. Love to do it... Maybe that would drive me to get in better shape.... Out of curiosity what is your prefered climbing method with a saddle so far?
I use my lone wolf sticks (3) with aiders. I built two double step Amsteel aiders for the bottom two steps, and then ordered the compatible double steps for the top and bottom steps for each stick. On Saturday, I was still waiting for my double sided steps to arrive so it was just the standard LW single steps that I ascended the tree with and I realized how nice having both feet on the same level surface is/well be. I've got another set of sticks that are super heavy duty double steps on another set up that's stationary and they are so much better than the LW sticks, but also triple the weight so I'm not carrying those around for hang and hunt days of the early season, but they showed just how nice having the double sided steps are. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
Favorable wind, pleasant temps, what could go wrong? I'll be getting out for sit two tomorrow evening, unfortunately I had to call of the golf putting due to a work seminar between 10-1. Stupid work getting in the way of fun again Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
My other property takes about 30 min to get to. I need to check cams and freshen up a couple mock scrapes etc... this week to see what's going on there.. Might deploy a cell cam or two while I am there.
Still fightin' the good fight in the finance office at the dealership. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
Enjoyed a night of nothingness. Hockey practice again tomorrow night. May hang a stand Saturday morning. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was so close tonight.... Be warned I am not a good story teller nor am I a english major. My stand I was in this evening faces west. I was expecting the deer to come from my right. About 15 min. before sunset I had 2 twins (fawns) walk in from my right. I thought it was odd they were by themselves this early in the season. They entered the corner of the bean field and started feeding. They were constantly looking back the way they came but nothing ever showed. They grew impatient and left the way the came in. I then saw a deer in the beans on the other end of the field to the west so I grabbed my binos. I was glassing the deer at the other end of the field when I heard a noise to my left. This was the big 8 pointer. He literally bounced 50 plus yards into the bean field. I glassed him to get a better look. I started to hang my binos (couldn't find my chest harness). At that exact moment several deer blew from the exact same spot the 8 point had entered from. They winded me... This had the 8 pointer weary. He started to walk right back to me. Game ON. I am in a sitting position still with my binos in hand. Not knowing what to do, I can't move much, I put the binos in-between my thighs and squeeze. I pick my bow up in my right hand (I'm a lefty) and grab my range finder with my left hand to range the 8 pointer. I think he is at 40 yards but he is in the bean field so I was reluctant to just guess. I go to range him and don't get a reading at all, the damn thing wouldn't power on! Just as I give up on the range finder, 4 more bucks and a doe leap out into the field next to him. They all put their butt in my face and start walking /feeding to the other side of the field. I watched them all feed and fade away into the darkness. The 8 pointer was with a much larger deer, one I had never seen on camera! I honestly would have shot either one. I waited until total darkness and exited. I am pretty sure I got out clean. I also learned that if this is their preferred route to enter the field I should be able to hunt that stand with a SE or NE wind. So the plan is to let the stand rest tomorrow and then hunt it again the first time the wind is right! I had a lot of action in a very small window. Total was 6 bucks, 3 does, and 2 fawns. What did I do wrong? The binos squeezed between my legs and the range finder not working made it a **** show..... If I would have seen the deer earlier before he bounced into the beans I probably would have killed him. I guess that's why they call it hunting! Anyone have a recommendation on a range finder? Most likely get e leupold or a Vortex unless there is something else out there new that I am unaware of...
I'm using my Bushnell V5 shift that I use on the golf course. It also calculate distance to target based on angle as well. It's never failed me before, so hopefully at the moment of truth, it won't either. I'm guessing this wouldn't have really helped, but I always try to range a couple of potential shooting spots early in the sit (I'm guessing you had already done that), even in a field like that there is normally a few things to identify specific spots that you should be able to range... that way you don't have to do it when to moment comes. Again, I'm assuming you do that every time, but it always helps me. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
Keep after them. I’m actually using an old bush Nell but it still seems to do what I need it to. Pretty sure I would get a vortex if I was replacing it. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Few years back I was in a pinch and bought this because it was all I could find. It has been awesome from day 1. https://www.scheels.com/p/halo-xl45...J9zLkxDGDR0Vv4SD8U5agBBCB6xIcV4hoCP3MQAvD_BwE Couldn't believe how well this cheapo worked. In Venatione Veritas
I ordered it. Wish it was available on Amazon at that price... Probably take a week from Scheels to get it. I told myself the next range finder I bought was going to have an illuminated reticle but for that price I will try it. It will make a good gift to one of the boys or make a good backup if I decide to order something else.
I failed to include in my story that about an hour before sunset there was absolutely no wind and I was getting destroyed by mosquitos. They were swarming around my eyes and ears. At one point I honestly wasn't sure I could sit there any longer. Should have brought a thermacell. I hate this time of year... With everything I have done in the field and yard around the house I think I have about 50 bits from my toes to my head. Bugs are bad here this year. I even treated my cloths with permethrin.....
Same, a bushnell. I think its 10 years old. I had this problem last year periodically. I replaced the battery and it started working consistently again. Funny thing is I had used it hunting the day before to pre-range some distances and it worked fine. Didn't even cross my mind to check it... Not that it would have mattered at that point!
I wish you guys would kill something already... Ha. At least we are in second place in the competition for team with the most posts.
I have Leica rangefinder. Love it and it's small. I have a set-up to where it hangs on my harness with a retracable cord.