How was Maine? A few weeks ago we took a family trip before my son went back to school to mystic Connecticut. Unfortunately it was cut short due to hurricane Henry hitting pretty much right where we were at. We bailed early because they were making it sound pretty bad. Cool little seaside town!! Figures the time we decide to go there they get a hurricane. I think they said it had been like 20 years or something like that since last one. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Yes I recall… You kinda take it for granted until it happens to you - then it becomes real. Like anything else in that respect I guess. My hand is still throbbing today. I changed the name of the thread. Anyone doing anything in the deer woods today or tomorrow? Yesterday while putting up stands before getting stung I put a few mock scrapes out as well. This morning I put some old CD’s on some fishing line in various spots around my foodplot plotsaver to try and preserve my soy beans the best I can. So far they’re staying away.
I’m not doing anything in the woods but I am having a buddy come o er to shoot for awhile. My work in woods is done. I like to get things ready by beginning of august so I can leave things soak for awhile without my scent being there. I will pull camera cards some rainy day in a few weeks to see what’s around. I don’t usually get too excited about what I get or don’t get on cameras. All the descent bucks I have killed I did not have a single pic of any of them. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I am going to try and get the rest of my cameras out and two stands up before Saturday. Hunt club has a work day Saturday and don’t want to go after that.
I need to do that as well! Might try and do that tomorrow while I clean out the garage. I did spend a little money today as I ordered a new Sitka pack today, new Mathews quiver and one Conquest Scents Evercalm for my Mock scrapes. Still might order some new Lacrose boots before the season starts. Haven’t really decided yet.
We can start September 15th. Usually too warm though. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I have all the filming equipment and none of the patience. I filmed a couple of years ago but lost interest. I have a hard enough time shooting the deer let alone doing it while filming. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
We checked a couple of the food plots yesterday. We’ve had 3” of rain since Friday morning. Our “wall” and fall plots are looking really good. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I shot my bow for the first time, today, since changing the string, cable, broad heads, and arrows. Blew through the eternity target 3 times. Need to do something different. Going to do some adjustment and shoot again in the morning. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Nice!! We finally got some rain last night - my soy beans look good. But the next 7 days are bone dry again. All of the crops are turning really early here in Indiana. Ditto on self-filming. I tried it - way more work than I’m willing to put in. I have a hard time looking into a camera and making some Bull Shi* up as well… So I don’t do it either. Love watching people that film hunts though - no hate. Just can’t do it myself.
Bought my first piece of orange today, a hat. NY just mandated you have to wear orange during early and regular season. I've been hunting 30 years and never owned or worn any.
At least it's just one piece. During the firearm season in Minnesota, 2/3rds coverage is what needs to be worn (if memory serves correctly). Fortunately,I spent years pheasant hunting so I've got the necessary gear. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
I prefer funny over badass. It's a forum contest and we aren't getting new bows if we win so I say have fun with it.
We don’t get new bows?! Wtf I’ve never known do they give anything to the winning team other than bragging rights?? I got the garage all cleaned up today and Fix you inspired me to get my hunting clothes all clean, organized and ready to go!! Other than a couple stands, some trail camera placement and some more practice between now and opening day - I’m pretty much ready to go.
I agree my hat is been treated with Deet so much I can't wear it unless I'm going into the woods. Time to re'up
We have to wear orange if we are hunting during rifle season unless you’re hunting inside the city limits where firearms are not allowed. I haven’t gun hunted in a real long time so I struggle with wearing orange.♂️ Sent from my iPhone using Forums