I have a couple Bushnell Trophy Cams that take the best quality photos of any trail camera I've ever seen. I've had some issues with the cameras and customer support at Bushnell is none to helpful. I also have a DLC Covert camera out on my property. Basically early in the year I put my cameras in open areas that are known travel/pinch points. With little pressure I find that the deer don't mind being in the open, thus I set my camera up in the open. I feed my deer a couple times a month with a mix of Monster Raxx, Sweet Feed and Cracked Corn. If I don't have a bag of Monster Raxx around I just use sweet feed and cracked corn. If you've got a lot of coons in the area then it's not a great treat because the Coons love it...
I love it when the leaves start changing. I haven't noticed any around me yet but will definetely be on the lookout for it to start! I tried registerting for that mybuckstory.com contest again this morning with no luck. Not sure what the deal is.
I've had some people have trouble, I'm not sure what the deal is either. Here is the link to create an account, once you've created an account then on the right side of the screen click on the Big Buck Contest banner ad and just sign "I'm in" or whatever in the thread. Let me know if this doesn't work for you - FYI it doesn't recognize some/most mobile devices but they have an upgrade coming this week and it might improve that function. http://mybuckstory.com/signup.do
You guys going to try and hunt mornings or just evenings? I'm probably not going to venture into the woods in the morning till late Octobler. It will likely be all evening sits for me until then. At least that is the plan now and is always subject to change.
Its going to be up in the air as for morning sits for me. depends on what the cameras are saying is happening after daylight the last week of september... which thank the good Lord is only three weeks away! I do have a few morning spots that are ussually very productive the first week of october. Mostly evening hunts though. lots of long distant scouting, if i find a shooter on a pattern I won't hesitate to capitalize! Here is one of my purple top turnip plots two nights ago. Its tucked into the woods on the edge of a field. Its an awesome early season spot.
Morning, afternoon or evening doesn't really matter to me. If I can find time to get into the woods I am going to be in the woods until I get a deer. I work during the week and am in the middle of attaining my MBA - that pretty much limits my hunting to the weekends. I've taken October 28-November 2 off work, time I will totally devote to hunting - assuming I haven't already tagged out.
For me it will all depend on how this private spot looks this weekend when I get to put some time in scouting it out. If it is good then that will be a week day morning spot for me. Otherwise starting the beginning of November it will be all day sits every weekend possible along with the weekday mornings!
We have everyone checked in but one now. I sent a message to him again yesterday so hopefully we will have a full team soon! I work afternoons/evenings and about to go to work. Can someone go through all the posts so far and put a master list of name suggestions together? I am happy to do it but don't have time before work and not able to do it from my phone tonight. Otherwise I will get the list together tomorrow morning! Thanks!
Let me know if I missed any. These are in the order they were proposed. Buckosaurs #TheChosenHunters BigBucksInTheTrunk BigBucksInOurTrunks WhitetailStateofMinds Baker's Dozen Deer Slayers (BDDS) Whitetail Vampires Team Deer Slayer Zombie Killers Venison Vigilantes Team Nugent Backstrap Brigade Uncle Ted's Army B&C Dispensary Booner Bruisers Rack Stackers
I would prefer to hunt evenings but I work 3-11 during the week. If this new spot looks promising I can hunt it every morning before work! Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
Not sure, I used Magnus Stingers and was extremely unimpressed with their quality. I'am looking at Bloodrunners, Muzzy MX-3's, and a few others debateing on buy cheaper so i can practice more with them or going expensive. still havent decided. As for team names, i'll get back to you guys on that. I'll getting my creative juices flowing
Think I used the stingers a few years back or one just like it. Wasn't bad but I like the new mechanical broadheads now. Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
Ok lets get a name finalized so we can get an awesome avatar made up. All suggestions will be due by 11pm central time tomorrow night(time I get off work). When I get home I will post the entire list. I don't believe I can create a poll within an existing thread but I will check. If not respond with only the name you are voting for. Al votes will be due by midnight Saturday. This gives twodays to vote for those that don't get on everyday. Thanks! Now get those creative juices flowing! Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
what about "Da freak show" I mean we do have some wisconsin and green bay fans, lol only joking! but hey GO BLUE!