yOu seem to have your camera in a good spot. You have stands already hung for that location? Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
not really i got that all opened up for the food plot not really any good trees to set a stand up , i have that stand 80 yards away in a funnel that they use to get from a larger field to where i have that all set up , got my blind set up back about 30 yards from where that cam is covered by timber i set up around it
ATK Looks like you got some pretty good prospects teammate! That's what I like to see - hopefully you can get in on one of them guys early on man! I'm all about getting things wrapped up as far as this contest is concerned early on, especially if one of the guys on the list shows up! lol
I will have to do some searching of the threads to find the winning score for team 6 Last year. I all try to find that tonight after I get home from work. ATKbowhunter it sounds like you have a nice setup in that spot. You mainly planning to hunt theblind or stand 80 yards away? Are they setup for different wind directions? Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
planning on starting the blind more at the begainning cause they seem to be showing up at the spot alot , but once the rut kicks in im think the stand cause its set up in that funnel and they should move threw there alot once they start cursing for doe and yeah on the wind the blind spot is down the hill in kind of a whole where my stand is up a hill and down the other side so wind comes up, i got a few other spots im hanging stands to in other locations dont want to over hunt this spot but planning on hopefully putting the smack down on one of these haha
Hey I certainly don't want to get in the business of "marketing" another website on this forum - I figure this is a fairly private invitation to participate in the Big Buck Contest. The rules are similar to this contest, however a much smaller set of players. The deadline is tomorrow, the contest is sponsored by Monster Raxx and they have a pretty sweet prize package for the winning team. Here is the link if your interested:
Some hardened bone to help you all get the juices flowin! first one out I have seen. giving him the pass though I think. Got me excited!
what trail cameras do you all use? and how do you find and get big bucks on camera? personally, I use moultries. Have had great luck with them. currently running the dinosuar, an old outfiiter 3.0 digital that uses 6volt batteries, the 2010 5.0 IR moultrie, and the new M-80x, the m-80x is by far the best camera i have ever run. I can't wait to use the plot stalker feature on the plots, the last week of september! gonna pattern and kill ole heffe! lol As far as getting them on camera I use the minerals, (of course) then switch to scrapes once they open up. Also a bag of nice sweet apples in front of your camera will ussually do the trick. I have found sugar to work equally as well as salt. what do you do?
Season starts October 1st here in Iowa Looking at BING Maps to get and idea of where I'll be setting up my stand and ground blinds for an ambush. Don
Oh and I'd like to welcome all the members of the team that have checked in recently Be safe and shoot straight Don
i been trying a few things , acorn rage block , sugar beets block , sugar beets crushed , and deer cane block , all have been getting hit and for the past month and a half has kept them bucks around getting alot of good pictures ,
Board Express on my phone is really pissing me off tonight. Its not letting me post. Welcome to the site and team Hoytchick! How about a little information about yourself. Besides being a BA e of the month a few months back! I am also curious if Richie is gonna let you hunt any of those spots where he finds those monster sheds? Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
I hunt mostly public and I am not allowed to put cameras on that land near me. I actually just orders the M80 and can't wait to try it out on the new private spot I just acquired! Supposed to be a great camera! Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
I signed up for the site and tryed to sign up for the competition twice but my post never showed up. Not sure what is going on.