i cant post my hit list but cant figure out how to size down the pictures to fit on here , whats everyone use to do so
Welcome to the site and team Dave! I usually upload my pics to photobucket then post then here in a better size! Glad to hear you have a few shooters! We are gonna need all the points we can get. Several good teams this year but we can take them!
okay thanks and ill try that out to show you guys what im looking at this year ,trying to help the team out big
I see some other teams coming on here and talking smack. We'll have to show 'em who's the top dog around here. Don
A little about myself. My name is Brad, 34 years old and reside in SE Wisconsin. I hunt mostly public land in the Kettle Moraine State Forest. I don't have any bucks as a target as it is illigial to put out trailcams overnight on state land. That is okay I like the surprise anyway. I know I have some great stand locations picked out but not sure how the hunting pressure will be. That is going to be the major variable to my season. Looking forward to chatting with you guys.
Brad we will find some monsters in Kettle. IndaWoods assures me that kettle has some! Looking forward to getting up north this season and hunting with you! Hope we can make that happen!
I'm just throwing out names as I suck at being creative like that. Whitetail Vampires (we thirst for blood) Team Deer Slayer Zombie Killers
The story of the Fergie Clause: Alright you may have noticed in the official contest rules that the Fergie Clause rule exists. A few years back I was able to draw a 1 week tag to hunt some public land near my house. It was my second season bowhunting but I had never killed a deer. I got out early on Saturday morning and setup in my stand and was ready to sit for a long day. After a long morning of no action I finally had a small buck come in right to the base of my tree. A single point on his right side with a small split on his left. I watched for about 30 minutes as he just lingered around the area always within 15 yards of me before he finally wandered off. Even though I never killed a deer this wasn't the deer I wanted to kill for my first ever. I decided an hour later and no action at all that I would get down and head home for a quick nap and some lunch and be back early afternoon for the evening hunt. I return that afternoon and the woods were super quiet. Spent the next several hours not seeing a thing till just at sundown. I hear a noise over my left shoulder and I see what appears to be a nice doe coming my way. This deer comes right along the same path that the buck came earlier that morning. As I am watching this deer it appears to be a nice doe and one that I would be ok with myself for taking. As this deer is making it's way towards me it is getting dark fast. The deer comes right to the base of my tree after another good look I decide to send an arrow. I hit the deer and it takes off behind me up a hill into the darkness and I have no visual of it at all. I sit in the tree for an hour giving it time to bleed out before climbing down. Just as I get to the bottom of my tree and finish taking off my last stick I hear it moving up the hill. I decide to back out and return in the morning with Peakrut and Dukemichaels. I arrived early the next morning and leave my bow in the car and head out to find my deer. As I come around the base of the hill I see my deer laying on the ground, ears up, stairing at me. Immediately think this isn't a good sign. All of a sudden it attempts to stand up. After nearly crapping myself I run back to the truck to grab my bow. I quickly return and as I get over my deer to put another arrow in her I realize that her is actually a him. In the very low light conditions the previous night I was unable to see the small white antlers. Actually turned out to be the exact same deer that I passed on the morning before. I felt terrible and was not happy with myself at all. Peak and Duke both arrived at this point and were both excited for me. They both made me realize that it didn't matter about the size. I was a new hunter, self taught on public land and I just took my first ever deer with a bow. I got home later that night and because I was in the contest I got my buck scored and it came out to 38 1/8. After posting my score Justin created the Fergie Clause. Because in this contest a doe scores 50 points he felt it was unfair for someone to take a buck and have it score less then a doe. So now because of that deer the minimum score a buck can get is 50 regardless of it's actual tape score. And every year it seems that atleast one person benifits from that rule! I have the antlers from my little Fergie Clause buck on my wall and I am really hoping that this is the year that I can put a nice mount next to it!
Hello everyone, I'm Jake obviously. Checking in. I haven't had anything good on camera yet this year but the deer sighting are racking up so that is a good thing. I hope to contribute this year. I'm 17, just started my first year of college at Miami University, (NOT University of Miami). I shoot a Bear Strike with Goldtip XT hunter arrows. and havent decided on my braodheads yet.
Which broadheads are you thinking of going with jake? I just got the NAP 3 blade Bloodrunners when they were on sale at BPS last week. Had a chance to shoot them a few times so far and they seem great. And I have heard great things about them. Last year I used the Rage 3 blade but just never felt comfortable with them. Always felt like they wouldn't open correctly when I needed them to.
We have 7 out of our 12 checked in now! Looking good so far! When does everyones season start? I will be out on Sept 17th for the first time in WI!
Really hoping to get some points on the board and some meat in the freezer that opening weekend!!! A nice doe and 50 points would be a good start to the year for me! Not to mention getting to send out my first text to everyone!
Well with all of us able to score 1 buck and 1 doe it would be awesome if we can get that doe out of the way early and put up some points. Then we have the rest of the season to look for the big boys!