oh man Jake, sorry to hear that. Those make for some long days and nights. Keep after them, you'lle get another crack at one! blessings team!
Alright who is going to be out this weekend? Weather here in IL is quickly cooling off and should make for some good deer movement. I unfortunitely will be spending the weekend indoors at girls basketball tournament and cheerleading competitions. But do hope to be out monday morning! Only good thing is that the area I hunt is doe only all of october so I am really not that upset about it. With my luck I would be out and have a monster broadside at 10 yards and not be able to take a shot. Good luck to everyone! Hope to hear some great stories and see some more points up on the board!
Going to give it a try after work tomorrow and on Sunday. Should be interesting if I see any other hunters as it's opening weekend for early muzzleloader, runs to the 23rd. Maybe someone will push a couple my way. So I'll have to pack my orange saftey gear as well. I'm sure the wife will want me to come home in one piece. Don
been out all week , only been seeing alot of doe and fawns , cant hunt tomorrow here in PA but ill be out all day mon and tue start back at school and work wed , weathers cooling down quick here to , getting more and more deer moving
so how many bonus points do you get if you harvest one with a truck? Went after work today, but got to my spot late and it was getting dark. So I decided to head home and about 10 miles down the road, and still 25 from home I hit a doe with my truck I'll post pics of my truck tomorrow, she hit low enough that it didn't set off the airbag and the truck is still driveable She cut in front of me and lost her footing so I pretty much hit her right in the back as she was going down. She bounced off the grill enough that she was able to make it to a ditch on the side of the road before she died. Don
That sucks Don. Glad to hear that you are alright and doesn't sound like to much damage. Hopefully insurance will cover it for you!
Had a frustrating weekend. Deer were moving this weekend but the only thing to come in range was a button, spike, and a tall 4 point. Off to GA wednesday night. Can't wait, should have something killed up there (fingers crossed.)
Didn't hunt this weekend as it was Indiana State's homecoming and the weather around here has been pretty warm. Figured I'd give it a break this weekend and get back after it next Saturday afternoon. Along way off still but that's ok - no hurry, I'm going to cash in real soon!
Wow that really did mess up your truck. From your original post I didn't think the truck had that much damage.
Got lucky that she was slipping on the road or it could have been worse. Then again she might have gotten passed me to safety since no one was coming from the other direction. The road I was on has a speed limit of 55 and I had slowed to 50 since it's known for deer/car run ins. Hit the brakes when I caught sight of two of them on the side of the road, one ran to the right out into the corn field the other took off to the left in front of me was doing 45 when I hit her. Got her to the processor yesterday, she weighed 120lbs field dressed.
Taking the truck in to a couple body shops for estimates tomorrow and head up north a do some hunting. Hope to get one the right way Don
looks like we are sitting in 3rd place as of yesterday, not bad team , we need to start putting some nice bucks down
So much for trying to hunt today, wind is howling like a banshee. Took the truck in for an estimate -- $2,200 and that's before they tear it apart, could be more damage under the hood that can't be seen. Got a $500 deductable and the insurance will take care of it from there. Drop it off November 14th and should take about 4 days to fix. Don
Thanks Cowboy Guess that means no cheese, I mean points, for me. I'll put a post it note on the dash to remind me for the next time. Don
We are sitting in 3rd. I need to get out. Think I found a spot that looks very promising and I don't have to wait till November to take bucks. Planning on hunting it hard this weekend! HOpe to get some good video footage too! Anyone else on the team film? Looking at the roster I think everyone has been participating more or less except b0whunter. Don't think we have heard from him since this started. Hope he is still in it as we will need every point we can get!
I just sent b0whunter a message so hopefully he will check in and let us know what's happening! GFYCamp: Where have you been? You got quiet all of a sudden. If this place I just gound doens't work out on Saturday maybe I will cruise up by you for an all day sit on Sunday! You gonna be around? Maybe you can point me in a good direction!
Leaving this afternoon for GA. My uncles property has an ungodly amount of white oaks and pull in deer real well this time of year. Can't wait.