Good luck to you this weekend and Monday Ferg! I will be back in the woods this evening, didn't get to check my cameras last night because I went and helped a friend track a doe he had shot that morning - we found her and boy did she stink. He put a guy shot on her and it was nasty!
Wasn't it in the upper 70s by you yesterday? A gut shot and that heat and he left it sit all day? Not sure in that heat I would still want to eat her. Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
It was in the low 80s Ferg, well I don't think he wanted her to sit that late - but he works night shift and had to go into work at 11:00 and he was trying to get some sleep, he was operating on limited sleep the way it was. He just didn't wake up until I called him when I got off work at 4:30. Yeah personally if it was ME I wouldn't eat her, but he's out of meat and to be totally honest the meat is more important to him than me.
Picked up my bow today from the shop after having some adjustments made and they made a huge difference! Best I have shot in a long time! can't wait for Monday! also picked up an Ikam so hope to get some good footage to go along with my other camera! Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
couldnt hunt today and theres no hunting in pa on sundays , got finals for school monday and work , so good i wont be back out till tuesday off school and work tue to next wed , so ill be in the woods everyday next week , atleast i work at ****s sporting goods and get to talk about hunting all day haha , good luck to everyone going out this weekend
No luck so far this weekend. Have seen a couple small bucks and really that's it. I haven't had a shot at any doe yet this weekend. Going to get back out this afternoon for an evening hunt. Hopefully I can get a doe or something. Let's keep the pressure on ya-all.
No bueno this weekend for me. Saw 5 bucks on Saturday morning. I was hunting the border of our property and every single buck that passed was on our neighbors property There were 2 nice ones too...Then the rain started and never stopped. Maybe next weekend.
well finished up the quarter of school today and called off work , no work or school till next wed , yes ! i will be hunting everyday for the next week and half starting tomorrow morning , hope i can bring something down soon
That is awesome! Good luck to you! My plans got a bit messed up and was not able to make it out today so I have not had my first hunt yet this year. I was planning on getting out today but it would have been a doe only area of public land that I hunt so really isn't that big a deal. Will be out friday for sure and hope to get out most of the weekend. This weekend dad stuff really gets in the way of hunting season but love spending time with my girls. Now if I could just get them to sit in a tree stand with me it woudl be perfect!
With the weather calling for mid 70 through this weekend I can tell you that I won't be out again until the following weekend. At this point I've done more harm than good - the weather has been hot and it's been a struggle for me to avoid bumping deer. Going to let things settle down for a week or so and then get back in the stand.
Ferg you tricked me. I saw you had the latest post in the scorecard thread and thought you had nailed something last night haha.
Nice work guys. I have been out 6 nights and still have not seen any deer. Ten more days and I am off to Ohio, hope I can help out soon.
Well guys, as some of you may know from my thread, I shot and lost a good 8 pointer on Monday. I never found him. It's a really crappy feeling as some of you may know. But I hope to rebound, season is still young and I am Hoping to capitalize on some rut crazy buck. We are really looking this year, lots of 50's going up on the board!!!
I read that Jake. That is tough but it happens. Keep yohr head up. Lots of season to go still! Sent from my T8788 using Board Express