Didn't get a chance to get out this weekend, had the grandkids over and the temps didn't cooperate. It was 80 today, hopefully things will work out better next weekend. Congrats to pastor on his buck, looks nice in the pics Don
Congrats PastorAndrew. Nice buck. Drew a blank on sightings Saturday, Since VA has no Sunday hunting I hope to get back after them Monday afternoon.
Congrats again pastor! Great looking buck. Going hunting all next weekend up at the camp so this week can't go by any faster. I have set my date for my GA trip to my uncles property for Oct. 19-Oct 23rd. My cousin and I have each taken a 100+ buck up there the last two years so I'm really excited to head up there. Good luck for anyone hunting this week.
The Scorecard has been updated and we are now in second place. Team 27 currently has a commanding lead on us but we have plenty of time! Let's get em!
yes, I have done my part, now i put my faith squarly in you guys and girls! lets get a big win in this contest!
By the way are there prizes for the winning team? Bragging rights are good enough for me but was just wondering if there were goodie bags or something that went to the winning members.
just got home from being in the stand , saw about 8 turkey and a button buck ,ill be back in the stand again tomorrow afternoon trying to get us some points , still waiting for the monster 8 thats been around my stand
i think the winners get a gift certificate for the bowhunting.com webstore. blessings to all you guys getting in the stand this week! enjoy the creation!
Sorry guys that I have not been posting much. I've been extreamly busy. I plan on hunting both sat and Sunday this weekend. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
You have to wear orange this weekend don't you? I think this weekend is youth gun weekend in WI but not positive!
I think you are right. I was going to look into that. No big deal as I just slip a vest over my regular camo to make more than 50% camo and wear a blaze hat.
Looks like I am going to have the same thing this weekend in IL. That's alright since I need to pick my bow up on Friday from the shop after getting some adjustments made. Think I am gonna spend the weekend in the duck blind then get out all day Monday to hunt deer. I have back to back 3 day weekends so that will give me some time to get out. Not a big fan of bow hunting during gun weekends. To many idiots that will shoot at anything moving regardless of color. And with my luck that would be me moving.
Alright I know I have said this several times already but another team just lost points because they failed to take the necessary pictures to get credit. Everyone remember to put a camera in your pack. If you don't have someone that can take a picture for you take a tripod, find a stump, anywhere you can rest your camera with a self timer will work. Just remember that your 2 pictures must have your deer, you and your bow in the pictures. Don't snap off two identical pictures either. Take one then move a bit change something up so we can see that the pictures are in fact different and unique!
Good luck to everyone getting out! Can't wait for monday to get here so I can get out finally! Hopefully knock some birds out of the sky this weekend then a deer on monday!
Going to check the trail cameras today after work - then going to check out of the office early on Friday and get into the woods for an evening sit. Planning for 4 sits (if necessary) this weekend. I have high expectations for this weekend, hopefully I can get another buck on the board - it's time!
I plan on getting out both Saturday and Sunday night. Then the next two weekends I am grouse hunting so probably won't be bow hunting till the end of October after this weekend.
I'm stoked about this weekend too. Hopefully will get off in time tomorrow to make it up for an afternoon hunt as well. If not I will be hunting all day saturday and sunday. I'm itching for work to get done.