He would count as your doe for the contest. Has to have scoreable antlers to score buck points Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
So Jake is on the board now also? Doe? Had trouble following the previous postings as to what had happened, just seen the Congrats! So I will extend my Congrats! lol We need to get some head gear on the board now!
Ya Jake took a button buck last night. Because it does not have any scoreable antlers it is considered antlerless even though it is a male. Now every state has different rules regarding this but for the purposes of the contest it will count as his doe entry!
And yes we need to start getting some scoreable bucks on the board soon! Hope that I can put one up on the board and on my wall at home!
Ours out here in Iowa starts Saturday as well, have to work a 9a - 2p shift. But I'll try and get out in the evening and then again on Sunday. Don
Good luck! Wish I could get out this weekend but won't be till the next weekend for me now but this early in the season that is alright with me!
Can't wait until tomorrow morning!! Leaving the office around noon to go check the trail cameras. Hopefully I can go all Video Game Buck Down (VGBD) tomorrow!! That'd be sweet! VBGD can be defined by killing a buck that you only kill in video games. It's like when a running back in football goes for like 250 and4 touchdowns, those kind of numbers are only supposed to happen in video games.
the countdown is over season starts tomorrow. the lunar calendar is saying moon majors that will over lap with sundown saturday, sunrise sunday, and again with sundown sunday night. Its gonna be an awesome weekend in the woods. right now the deer in our area are feeding heavily on the white oaks which have begun to fall. if you guys have stands near white oak flats be in umm! the action is gonna be on! excpect deer movement boys and girls! I am callin it somebody shoots a buck by monday night!
Man I missed out tonight. The deer were really on the move tonight. Instead of hunting I was working late and running errands Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
well its raining pretty good here right now , going to wait till around 2 and head to the stand if it lets up some
deer were moving great this morning had my dad sitting in one of my stands, he saw six buck, two shooters and around 20 does. finally get to hunt tonight! wa hoo!!!! blessings to all you getting in stands tonight and to you fergie in class!