Disregard that last post. Rumor is a nice 150+ went down tonight. Lets go get them! Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
Season opens for me on Saturday - can't wait. My last batch of trail cam pictures were full of mature does, probably 5 to 10 different does on the property (3 different cameras). Had all of those doe and 1 small buck. If a doe walks in on me opening morning I'm probably going to take her. That wasn't my plan about a month ago, but I think I really need to take a doe or two off the property this year. That said, I'm not going to compromise my ability to to take a trophy buck (which I know I have on the property) just to put 50 points on the board and meat in the freezer - it's just not worth that to me. Can't wait until Saturday morning, I've been waiting for this day for a year now! My first bow season is about to begin!
Ya iHunt(Cole) took a great buck yesterday. He took a real nice one last year also. That's alright we are in great shape and with the seasons opening for many of us this weekend we have plenty more points coming our way!
dman- read somewhere that you were up in Chicago recently. Should have let me know. Could have met up for a beer or quick shoot!
Anyone out hunting this week? Hoping to hear son good stories! Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
yeah i was out a few times still no shots on a doe , ill be out all day saturday hopefully i have this nice buck i been getting on my trail cams to come by at some point
I will be out on public land hopefully Fri night but definitely sat morning and sunday am and pm. Hopefully make it up to my hunt camp the whole weekend next week. Been real busy with work and such to hunt during the week at all.
Good luck to both of you guys! My schedule is a little crazy so I don't think I will get out till next weekend but early season so that's ok. My main hunting spot is doe only for October so no big deal.
Actually got out to the range this morning with Michael_Pierce and did some changes to my bow. Still a few more to make so not getting out till next weekend will give me a chance to get it all dialed in!
Got a button buck tonight fellas, first night on stand, first september deer, perfect heart shot with a rage 3 blade, pretty impressive. We are lookin' good so far!
Way to go buddy! That should give us sole posesion of second place! Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
Digging the face paint Jake! I'm going with paint most of this season too for the first time ever! Can't wait! Want to wear it this weekend to my Hunter Ed. Class in honor of opening weekend and to show them they are idiots for having it this weekend. Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
nice job jake , and jake are you close to the PA boarder , i live right by the pittsburgh airport butlers not to far from me , and ferg that will be great , face paint to the class , they will be like this guy means business
and i can not wait till saturday to get after these bucks . im after this 8 point thats been hanging around my one stand alot
Haha, yeah that is good paint. It's actually a carbon powder I bought at the Ohio Deer and Turkey Expo a few years back, supposed to be a scent killer but I like it mainly for paint. I couldnt find my fask mask tonight so i went with this, besides face masks could hinder my shootin'
ATKbowhunter, hmm you must be thinking of a different Butler County because I live on the south west corner of Ohio, border the Indiana line and one county up from Kentucky.