Sorry to hear about your uncle. Prayers going out to you and your family. Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
On the lighter side I should be able to get out tomorrow and sit in a stand where I have them patterened. Finally a west wind. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
I was out was cool. The big eight didn't show. I'm feeling under the weather so I'm staying home tomorrow. I'll get out Saturday morning though.
Counting down the days here, just 9 days away now. Really have high expectations again this year, had them last year also but didn't have a lot of luck. That said, I could have landed a doe on several occasions but I was on a different game plan last year. Going to do a little better job hunting and land managing this year - always learning! Feel like I have a pretty good game plan in place, 3 private land hunting locations - 1 property that has been scouted and managed by myself for the past 2 years. Multiple stand locations to account for different winds and a few ground blinds. Excited! Going to check the cameras on Friday for the final time.
I will let you know buddy, actually think I am going to go tomorrow afternoon - got a golf outing on Friday to play in. That said, got my cameras on video mode now and got a great video of a big 9 pointer last week. That is the 3rd deer over 10 points and 3 years on the camera. All 3 are shooter bucks, if they walk under the stand/parallel to the blind or in my right of way they are going down!
can october 1st get here alreaddy? lol I found a giant 11 last weekend, Giant by my standards at least! lol hope to have a picture this week! the pattern he appears to be taking places him in a very very vulnerable spot, exciting have shot some great bucks right where he is living, hopefully within two weeks I will get us another 140 inches!
Not having my bow is killing me. Thankfully it is ready and I will be picking it up on Friday. I am switching to a new release and adding a kisser button but I am planning on shooting almost everyday between now and my first day out in the stand which is looking like it will be October 3rd. Can't wait!
GFY! GFY! GFY! come on buddy, get er done! enjoy your evening sit! one week from today i will be really excited!
Good luck buddy! Be sure to text me if you lay one down!!! Picked up the bow and it's rocking! Been shooting for the last few hours and will be at the range most of tomorrow and Sunday. Also get my newly fletched arrows and they look awesome. Will try to get a pic posted Monday of them with Predator wraps and red & black fletchings that match the new bowstring!
Thanks. I not sold on the tree I am in. Pretty thick with few shots. But I think the area I am in is spectacular Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Well I would take up in the trees with thick cover over sitting at home wishing I was up in the trees! Seen anything yet?