Well this is the eve of our season. I am not going out in the morning but will be tommorow night. Can't Wait. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
just got done making sure all my stuffs ready to kick off the season , heading out tomorrow morning hopefully ill have a doe down ,
Hey thanks for the kind words to all, the thoughts and preyers are very much appreciated. Good luck to those of you who open up this morning. Let's keep it rolling in here, we've had a pretty nice start to the season. Let's get some!
Good luck to everyone getting out this weekend!! 2 More weeks for me still. Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
Frustrating start to my season due to other hunters. Lots of gun shots in the woods tonight. Going to get more aggresive tomorrow and go in to my deeper in the woods stands to get away from the others.
Heading north to be with family the next couple of days, thanks for all the kind words guys! Just 2 weeks away from the opener in Indiana, I can't wait! Hope you all have some luck this week, make it happen!
Looks like several teams put points on the board. We are off to a great start and I can't wait to get in on all the action!!! Got word that my bow is ready so gonna go pick it up friday morning and spend the entire weekend shooting and getting it sighted back in. Was actually a nice weekend without the bow. Was able to get my girlfriends new bow all dialed in for her and took my daughters bow into the shop for some adjustments and improvements!! Had a blast watching the two of them shoot together.
Who is going to be out this week? Hoping to hear some good reports while working all week and anxiously awaiting the return of my bow!!!
I was only able to hunt Sunday night. It was the UF/Tenn game weekend and I had a bunch of friends come into town. I promised they could stay at my house months ago not realizing it was opening weekend So I only got to go out on Sunday night. It was overcast and cool but the wind was swirling gusts and never stayed in one direction. No luck on the first sit of the season.
The winds can always be tricky and you have no control of that but inviting everyone over opening weekend is just unacceptable. That is just a rookie mistake that better never happen again!!!! LOL
I was out checking mineral sites on Saturday afternoon saw some really good sign, hope to pick up some new hunting boots, and I got my eye on a rangefinder at bass pro, hope to get there this week! Season starts Saturday morning won't be out then. I'm trying a new strategy this year, I gonna be hunting much less in the early season and see what i can do come late October. Also trying to get permission on some dynamite property, if I can we will be in business in no time!!
For sure won't happen again haha. Didn't feel too bad because nobody on our lease killed anything. There was a fire not too far from our lease and the smoke was bad on fri, sat, and sunday morning. I got up Sunday afternoon when the smoke cleared but people said that you could hardly breath out there. Not sure if it had any effect on the deer but here is a trail cam pic from when the smoke was thick. Pretty nasty stuff.
im heading out in about an hour for an afternoon hunt , hope i come back with a doe in the truck for us
Good luck this afternoon! It's killing me hearing everyone getting out and not being able to. Think my first sit will be the afternoon of October 2nd. That is assumin my Hunter Safety course gets over on time. Early would be even better!
For those of you that haven't looked at the "Official Scorecard" thread yet it was updated earlier today we are in the lead!!! Way to go everyone now let's keep it up!!! Can't wait till I can add some points for the team too!!!
I may be done hunting till the weekend due to by uncle passing away this morning. If anything I might be able to get out Wednesday evening. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk